1000 watt closet grow


im back out the shadows my RIU fam, I have a closet grow with ten babies. I am running 1 1000 watt hps during veg and flowering and cutting edge solutions for nutrients. Temps are 84 during day and 72 at night, not bad for not having a fan through my hood (could be better i know). This is the third day since sprouting and only day 5 total. I have some pics so please feel free to comment and let me know what you think :) my third grow and first on RUI (besides posting Q&A). thanks in advance for showing love.:blsmoke:



Really no comment at all? i am going to post pics when lights go off (couple hours). They are all bagseed so we will see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Hps will veg plants just fine
Agreed. I've done LOTS of things from start to finish with HPS. It is a bit overkill at this point and you would get the same growth out of a T5 or 250MH for much less on the power bill but you run what you have. :weed: Scribed. I'll be around.

Photo tip... take pictures through the lens of you sunglasses to help remove the orange HPS that makes it hard to actually see real leaf coloration.


Sorry i haven't been around i have been working all day. So update temps still running good(84 day 72 night) humidity around 45%. will post pics here in a few min when i find my cam lol. thnx for the sunglasses tip will try that if i can find them. They are growing like crazy i have been feeding nutes since day 1, alot ppl say wait cause you will burn them up, but they have been thriving. I gave them water today and they loved it.

and yes a lower watt would work just as good with less $ in electric but thats all i have so..... thnx for all the comments :)


Well-Known Member
I am just now seeing first true leaves... you are feeding already? Seedlings come prepackaged from mother nature with enough nutrients for at least a couple weeks.



ok so im up now and my babies are really stretching(not surprising since i am using 1000 watt hps) what can i do to maybe help prop them till they are stronger? They are ok for the most part but if they keep going i am going to have to help them out. P-S- I know you are not suppose to give them nutes when they are that young, i usually start after 5th set of leaves. They are doing really well though, no nute burn lol, they are really thriving. Fed water for last 2 days, post pics in bout 20 mins (PROMISE) :)


So i just seen my electric company outside either putting something in my box are the neighbors box kinda freaked me out. Just found out i have a smart meter so...... HELP

full of purple

Well-Known Member
There looking good just get a sticy that looks like a Y to help holt the stem up in 3 weeks the stem will have got thick enough to hold itself up
By the way i will be watching this thread looking good


Well-Known Member
Like most new parents you are being a bit overly protective. They are fine and should be good to go for a couple weeks with little intervention from you.


Thanks everybody for the comments and reply's. I filled the soil up to the top of the pots, which covered up like 2-3 inches of stem this morning. They are more stable so...yea. If i have to i will use a stick but hopefully not i should be ok. So ill prob put pics up and also hit with more nutes if they are dried out by tomorrow. i have been feeding water past couple days and they have reacted good with nutes.