1000 watt sog


New Member
Hi everyone jus had a quick question about maximizing my yield with a short veg time. The only thing ive come across is sea of green. Would i yield over the pound if i had 22 one gallon pots with a 12 day veg. Could i yield one oz a plant. And should i only feed flower nutes since i will only veg 12 days or is that alll the more reason to put the veg nutes? Someone please help! Thanks happy smoking


Well-Known Member
Only flower nutes will be sufficient, as long as enoug nitrogen is provided during the first couple weeks. With a 1000w you can yield well over 2 lbs, but it doesn't come easy. Also with a 1000w and only 12 days veg you can have more plants. I'd say 25 plants in 2 gal pots vegged for 14 days (if height permits). The key is to keep the environment in check. Always keep the temp between 65-80, humidity around 60%, and good air flow, or co2 if you have a sealed room. Co2 is optimum and it makes a difference but you'll find the initial cost of adding it is very expensive. A complete co2 system will run you $800-1200.
To put it simply, you'll get back what you put in.