1000 Watt (x2) Heat issue


Hi there 1st post here...

I have a 10'x10' room that I have grown 6-9 plants in the past with one of the aforementioned HPS lights. I am planning on doubling my production by adding an additional 1000 watt HPS..

I already have a carbon filtered can fan in the room and didnt have any heat issues in the past; and i never ran the ventilation/ducting through the lights.

My question is, is this imperative to do? If I have two lights in the room will I need to run the ducting through the lights to avoid any heat issues?

Thanks in advance for the help, I certainly appreciate it!


I'm running into a similar problem in a slightly smaller room, having the light on obvously increases the heat quite a bit, so running two lights would make it even hotter I imagine. As long as your temps aren't running hotter than 80F you should be alright. I hooked up a small inline booster fan to the vent on my hood with a 400w HPS, and it cut the temps in my 4x4x7 tent by 2-3 degrees, venting out the hot air within the room is as critical as bringing the proper temperature air from outside, so maybe you want to try hooking up a booster fan or something? Good luck and happy growing!


Well-Known Member
I'm ok with my temps getting up to 86, but no higher than that. As long as there is good ventilation and always a fan on your plants you'll be ok.


Last winter (I live in western Minnesota) I had a problem with the temps (basement/cellar) getting too low <65 with lights off; hence I put an electric space heater in the room and that helped nicely! Gonna trying an Ebb and Grow soon and see how that goes with the rez temps and all...