1000W Dimmed vs. 600W


Well-Known Member
Building a small 24 cubic foot grow cab.....not willing to go back to the 400W.....wonder if anyone has first hand experience with this little question......

Which runs cooler? A 1000W HPS bulb dimmed down to 600W? Or a 600W HPS bulb?

Or if anyone has the two bulbs, dimmable 1000W ballast, and the time to run this little experiment on their system.....

I have a 1000W Galaxy ballast with the 1000W Hort that I plan on dimming to 600W....just wondering if the 600W Hort would be cooler on the 600W setting.



I am currently wondering the same thing and without any input I am led to believe that the 1000 would still put off more heat due to the 1000 watt bulb being 30% longer than the 600... Now this is merely speculation but that seems the most likely since there is more surface area for the heat to be exchanged...


Well-Known Member
The way that I kinda see it is that with the 1000 being bigger, with the same wattage as the 600, it would be cooler since it has more surface area for the heat to dissipate...like a heat sink.....but I could also see how more glass would just be more heat source(more hot glass).....IDK......guess we'll never know....lol......well, at least until I go out and get the 600W Hort SuperHPS and hook it up.....probably this weekend unless someone chimes in that knows for a fact that the 1000 is cooler.


Well-Known Member
A while ago the 1000's, dimmed to whatever, would still use up the full juice. So a 1000W operating at 600W uses more electricity than a 600W at 600W. Maybe that's changed but Lumatek and Quantum both used to have this disadvantage. I say this from reading about this for a couple days in various forums. Again, maybe this has changed.


Well-Known Member
I remember those previous claims as well....but not really concerned about energy consumption.....just heat produced.......but thanks......maybe I will just get a 600..........I am a little curious about lumen output on a dimmed 1000 to 600 vs a 600


Well-Known Member
Ended up not picking up the 600watter.....got better plans for the 1000.......must......have...........more.............lumens!