101f tomorrow. ANything to do special?


Active Member
Its going to be HOT tomorrow.

Anything special I need to do?
My Plant guru said I had some dry spots and I should flood the plants by hand untill it bubbles up.
He said my pots looked dry, although Iv been watering GOOD twice a day so they have a backup supply.

Any way, 101F tomorrow should I do something special?

Hip Hop Grower

Well-Known Member
yeah water em today or tonight, if they are stressed the next morning water em again, but thats it. if its too hot everyday and you water them they will take up the water and literally boil from within


Active Member
when it gets hot like that here i put a soaker hose under them let it trickle all night, they s/be fine dont get the leaves wet good luck and keep cool


Active Member
I think watering the early morning "EARLY" 6am.You Can tell how much water is good. You will see heat stress in the heat of the day. Finger check dirt water if needed. Heat stress is abitch this time of year. It's been 95-100 degrees for past 30days. Even some indoor gw's hard to keep goings .


Active Member
I did "Hay rollers" around my smart pots.
I might make a little deal about it. I tested cardboard, hay, burlap and hay appeared to keep the smart pots nice and cool.

Ill do photos!

hear goes the water! Wish me luck.


Active Member
If you haven't already, give them about a 2-inch layer of mulch. It will prevent the top layer of soil from overheating and reduce water loss due to evaporation. If you're using smart pots you'll probably need to give them more water than you think, again because evaporation from the sides of the pot becomes a factor.


Well-Known Member
Mulch is a good idea, just make sure they are damp. It often gets that on my roof where my girls are - they manage OK.