105watt cfl,s


I was wondering how 2- 5000k and 2-6500k 105 watt cfl,s would do in closet grow and how many plants would it do this is my first time with bag seed an has anyone orderd seed in Alabama THANKS:confused::joint:


Well-Known Member
My first grow was in a small closet with 4 105w (400w equivalent) cfls. I grew 2 planta that turned out okay. They're kinda on the small size and took forever to grow. I guess it depends on how big a closet you have, what kind of plants your going to grow, wether or not you're going to lst, how much time do you want to put in to this, what do you hope to yield, is this a personal grow, etc, etc, etc. To play it safe I'll say 2 photos, 4 autos. Just my opnion though.


and you really should think about throwing some 2700k in there for flowering, you can get some big 65W (actual watts) at Home depot for like $10 apiece. I have 3 little girls completely surrounded by cfls that are looking great,

Oh and my grow is bagseed too, check out my thread in the newbie section there is a couple of pics.