11 week old Plants..4 days into flower no signs of sex? Pics.


Hey im at 11 weeks and 4 days into flowering 12/12 9am-9pm. Using MG transplanting solution 80% of what the mixture calls for every week. Temp is about 79-82 f and humidity of 50-60 average. Using 3x 23w clfs and two 62 w "i think hps" *bought from walmart*

No sign of sex to my eye..but maybe im just missing it? Just want to be sure. All kinds of advice is welcome. This is my first grow, I nut. burned my plants bad at first. I know I should have more light.
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Active Member
it took over a week for mine to show sex after flipping, so dont panic, just keep a close eye untell you know forsure, if your not sure what a pistol or sac looks like, just google image it, and by the amount of strech im assuming your "hps" arnt really hps, invest in a real hps or some 42 watt 2700k cfls if you can.