12/12 cycle AND NO POWER!



plz i need help... i am in the last week of flowering and i got an electricity problem .the power will not come for 3 days. it is possible to turn off the power 3days and after when it will be fixed to continue 12/12 normally?????? i dont want to harvest before i finish my last week... (there is no power what to do??)


Active Member
Are your plants flowering? Chances are the dark will shock the plants and they will put all their THC/energy into the flowers. They are goners, probably. You could harvest early in 2 days or so.


Glassblowing Moderator
Get a big led flash light and turn it on 12 hours a day to keep the cycle right. Or get a generator


i have a ups that can be turned on just for 6 hours /it possible ?just 6 hours of light per day?


New Member
dont do anything.. just make sure the soil is dry and your soil should already be flushed. They will produce more resins and stuff that you want because that is what your supposed to do 2-3 days of darkness before chopping!


Active Member
6 hours of light a day will probably do more damage than good. What's the weather like outside? You could sit with them outside and give them 12 hours of sunlight a day.


New Member
dont do shit, put them in a closet and leave them there for a few days.. trust me. It is the best thing for you...


Active Member
dont do shit, put them in a closet and leave them there for a few days.. trust me. It is the best thing for you...
agreed. Putting a shitty light on it is def way worse than putting no light , Shit light = stretching. no one likes fluffy buds that weigh shit nothing :P and hes not plannin on harvesting so this is not a 24/48 hour dark period b4 the big chop , sounds like he got his electricity cut / just moved / switched power companys , who knows but good luck man....they rly should be fine just give em a good watering b4 dark.... let us know how it goes.