12/12 for 3 weeks lol nothing ??


Active Member
i read it can take a while i have been here before. with two previus plants i never seen a harvest yet. its not funny .
like i said three weeks nothing. i got no white hairs my plants were all veged for 2months. they are sativas which i know take longer .i did a 48 hour dark period. i have sealed all my possible light leaks. been a solid 2 weeks since i went and made sure it wasnt that .my first plant was 6 foot tall i thought it was male so i ended it. the second one while in the same grow never did anything either. i didnt have the net or books or freinds to ask .so i started over . my second season of growin here. and im just waitin for my first buds anyone ever have this no luck issue lol


Well-Known Member
So in 12/12 for 3 weeks and still not showing sex? Well then you do not have 12 hours of darkness, or you are growing something other than cannabis...lol.


Active Member
i heard increasin the dark hours helps shold i do 10/14 or 8/16 11/13 ???or just shup up and stay the cource lol


Well-Known Member
Temps can have a big impact. I have plants that have been in flower for 4 weeks and aren't showing flowering yet due to higher night temps than day temps. There are several things that can be done to speed along flowering - changing light schedule, increasing the amount of light for a few hours in the middle of your lights on phase, adjusting higher temps swings...

And then some strains just take longer to enter flowering and very young plants from seed will often take a bit longer as well.


Active Member
im useing t5 t12 fluorescents so yeah its probly lack of light or too much n still i have to be carefull with watering cause i went too cheap and got mg 6 month feed time release shite and worry about burnin them so i have pics i just have to play with addin them lol


Active Member
the proble im faceing is i got three big plants under my best light t5 and i got two 1 ft plants under my t12 they r both in flower now i should cut my losses and combine the lights on the one ft plants huh


Active Member
strange.. mine stretched for 3 weeks before even starting to make buds.. but they all showed within 3-5 days. need more info... what strain? how long did you veg? are you 100% sure there are no light leaks? its my first grow but im doing ok and ive read alot. since its happened to you 2x theres def a prob. can you talk us through your grow from day 1 until now?


Well-Known Member
I've never heard of a failure to flower being due to low light levels. You can flower out a plant in the dark or under a single 12w CFL - You'll yield near nothing but the plant will still flower.


Well-Known Member
Couple things I can think of is that MJ is a plant where u can control flowering yes, but the plant will also give indicators when it is ready to start, I don't even have my plants on a 12/12 cycle yet and I already have premature trichs and hairs, that is one way to tell if its time to switch up ur schedule but thats just for me, don't get all butt-hurt out there and bite my head off cause u don't wait for preflower, thats ok too. Anyways, also ur T5, and T12 do u know the spectrum of ur bulbs? is it around 5000k or higher, usually u want around 2700k for flowering. The only other thing I can think of is if u do any kind of time transition with ur lights or do u just one day go from a 20/4 or w/e veg cycle u use to the next day a 12/12, oh wait u said u had 48hrs dark, that won't really trigger flowering either, but if u were to do a gradual transition over a period of week n half or 2 to some what mimic the changes that produce flowering.


Well-Known Member
But auto-flowering plants flower under 12/12 just as fast as they flower under 18/6 or 24/0 - and he vegged for two months. I wouldn't be surprised if it was purely strain related. Heavy sativas can stretch for a week or two longer than Indicas before starting their bud production.