12/12 from seed sog


Well-Known Member
Anyone have any experience with 12/12 from seed. If so what kinda light were you using, what was your yield, and what strain was it. Im planning on doing a sog from feminized seeds, but Ive only got 2 feet of hight to work with. I will be using a 400w cooltube hps in a grow box that is 3 feet high. I would really like to get some good strain that stays short, but I need to know what 12/12 will produce first. Thanks all


Well-Known Member
I have tried 12/12 on search but nothing comes up. So far ive seen lots of people saying that 12/12 will give an 1/8 of weed, but I doubt they have ever even done it. I need to know for sure, so I can get the seeds.


Well-Known Member
The plants will still take the normal time to flower. Ya might as well grow them out and then flower.


Well-Known Member
yea, its just that i need to keep them small, under 2 feet. So I might just veg them for a week and then switch the lights. But I want to know how big they usually get cause I have limited space. Since im soggin I dont mind getting an ounce off each plant, but I just want someone who has done it before to tell me what they experienced.


Active Member
i'm doing 12/12 now with 2 pstrawberry cough plants. I germinated them and now have them under a 60W CFL each. It has only been a week at 12/12 and they are 3 inches high and growing their second set of leaves. This is the first time i've done 12/12 though not sure what to expect but Im in the same situation I only have about 3 feet to work with.
I've heard lowryder seeds only get about 12-18 inches high at most. You migt try those.


Well-Known Member
my first grow was 12/12 from seed. only reason i did it from seed was because i was new to the game and wanted to see what the electricity bill would be like. i pulled an oz a plant from nirvana's white widow, 4 plants total so 4 oz, under 250w hps reflector and a/c. advanced nutrients were used and molasses. not too sure how much nutes because i diddnt really know what i was doing at the time.

My current grow is afghani #1 from sensi, only seedlings at the mo, 8 in total, hoping for 4 + females, these will be a scrog after some major topping and lst after a long vegging, i will hopefully yield 3 oz on average a plant, if all goes well this grow will not reach a height of more than 3 foot, you should look into scrog so you can veg for a while and also keep height down and yield up.