12/12 Light Leaks


Well-Known Member
ok this is my first indoor grow so far so good, but i had a little bit of a light leak, and i dont really know if i wil be able to fix it, the thing is what is the big deal? i mean plants outside arent in complete darkness at all times of the year, or is the 12/12 just pretty much to make them go quicker? im not sure but from what i see this has to be rubbish, like really what would it do?


Active Member
I've had very small light leaks in a tent before and what it did is produce seeds in the area where the light penetrated. I fixed it with tape. Pretty easy. Darkness is crucial though.


Well-Known Member
well thats the thing, i think its completly light proof but not very sure, i have intake holes and zippers to cover every mourning at 6:30, its kind of a pain in my ass so i dunno, and how does it make seeds? did it hermie, cuz the only way it could possibly get seeds if theirs pollen in the area. not calling you a liar at all just wondering lol


Active Member
Plus if you wander outside at night time, is it really totally dark? I tend not to worry about it too much anymore.


Active Member
When a plant shows two sexes, it's usually due to stress and it is called a hermaphrodite. Light leaks cause stress and creat hermaphrodites. Don't worry about it though. When you get seeds, thank the people who helped you out here by saying not to worry about it since they obviously have experience with it.


Active Member
ok this is my first indoor grow so far so good, but i had a little bit of a light leak, and i dont really know if i wil be able to fix it, the thing is what is the big deal? i mean plants outside arent in complete darkness at all times of the year, or is the 12/12 just pretty much to make them go quicker? im not sure but from what i see this has to be rubbish, like really what would it do?
I had a light leak once hermied the plants that got the little light that was getting in. Not a good thing to have light leaks it could create problems but some strains are more touchy then others though.


Well-Known Member
This is one of those things you'll have to find out for yourself. As you're seeing, some will say no light leaks while others will say a little bit won't hurt. I feel it's fiction that light leaks cause hermies, because as you said they're not in complete darkness outdoors. That would mean EVERY outdoor plant would be a hermie, and they're not. Light leaks will slow down the maturing process of the plant though, just like moonlight causes outdoor plants to take longer to mature.


Well-Known Member
thanks all of you for replying, and yes that all makes sense if this was completly true then your right all plnts ourdoors would be hermies, but then agqin i think that alot of strains are bred for certain atmospheres dare i say indoor/ouotdoor for those reasons, the hardier the plant, more stable it is i guess would create less hermaphrodites and such, but i can see the light being somewhat stressfull. either way thank you everyone for replying to this helped me out alot :D


Active Member
This is what I think..... If you have a plant growing and you keep messing with the light it will herm on you. So if your growing it in a room thats not completely dark, and you change something it might cause stress.The plant is used to growing in them conditions. If the plant does not get direct light onto the plant it will be fine. I have a cupboard in my grow room that I put clones in, and a little light gets through but its not a direct light from the bulb. And I have a huge full budded white widow with no sings of seeds or herm. I think if you keep going in the room when its dark in your 12/12 your going to cause stress or if you keep messing with the light.


Well-Known Member
well i havent been messing with the light cycle or anything and they have only been in flowering for about 2 days so im not to worried about it, everyone i keep asking now some seasoned growers say its natural for a little light, and its not direct light from other bulbs or anything just a little light from outside, their in a tent so i think it hsould be just fine, thank you :D


Active Member
well thats the thing, i think its completly light proof but not very sure, i have intake holes and zippers to cover every mourning at 6:30, its kind of a pain in my ass so i dunno, and how does it make seeds? did it hermie, cuz the only way it could possibly get seeds if theirs pollen in the area. not calling you a liar at all just wondering lol
actually plants becoming hermaphrodites are completely different than a pollinated female. stress from messing with the lights, or extreme temperatures can cause hermaphroditism, you do not have to have pollen to get seeds in your ladies


Active Member
It's about the intensity and spectrum of the light leak. If you can see a ray of light beaming into your tent, you'll likely have some herms. If it takes a few moments for your eyes to adjust, before you see a wisp of light, you should fine.


Well-Known Member
actually plants becoming hermaphrodites are completely different than a pollinated female. stress from messing with the lights, or extreme temperatures can cause hermaphroditism, you do not have to have pollen to get seeds in your ladies
ok lol? i know this thats how alot of people get seeds from a clone only plant, hermyin it lol or female seeds whichever, but like i said it POLLINATES itself lol


Light leaking is a myth lol.... u ever been outside when the moon is real bright??? lol happens alot.
Check out my grow, I had a light leak during this grow and all plants hermied. I grew the same exact strain in the prior grow with no light leaks and got healthy females all the way. So light leak is not a myth imo, but do what you want with your crop.


Active Member
This is one of those things you'll have to find out for yourself. As you're seeing, some will say no light leaks while others will say a little bit won't hurt. I feel it's fiction that light leaks cause hermies, because as you said they're not in complete darkness outdoors. That would mean EVERY outdoor plant would be a hermie, and they're not. Light leaks will slow down the maturing process of the plant though, just like moonlight causes outdoor plants to take longer to mature.
As this statement is true but you have to think of what light they may get.. Reflection from the moon is not a direct light onto the plants. It is not like a light 10 feet away. That reflection is whatever 1000's of miles away. Although it may make it easier to see at night it is not strong enough or does not have enough reflection of the sun to disturb them. I can check on this and get you some better facts.


Well-Known Member
a MALE has to be present to POLLINATE a FEMALE
NO it doesnt, a female is completely capable of pollinating itself through hermaphroditing, its a defense mechanism to keep the species going so if their are no males around it can polinate itself and everything can be hunky dorey for little mrs/mr MJ


Well-Known Member
NO it doesnt, a female is completely capable of pollinating itself through hermaphroditing, its a defense mechanism to keep the species going so if their are no males around it can polinate itself and everything can be hunky dorey for little mrs/mr MJ
but that is only if their needs to be say the plant is stressed the fuck out and feels like it is going to be dieing shortly