12/12 seedling curling yellow


Active Member

12/12 from seed micro grow experiment.
Box is 2ft. high x 2ft. deep x 4ft. wide., equipped with intake and exhaust pc fans.

125w CFL 2700K, & 2 supplementing 23w CFLs.

6 bagseeds (all different bags) sprouted in rockwool, then in 50/50--coco coir/perlite and coco pots.



Botanicare Silica blast - 7ml./gal.
Botanicare pureblend ProGro - 7ml./gal

Just mixed new gallon of:

Botanicare Silica blast - 15ml./gal.
Botanicare pureblend ProGro - 15ml./gal
Botanicare pureblend ProBloom - 7ml./gal

:twisted: Bullshit talk:

I ran a single plant in this ridiculously restrictive stealth mini(almost micro) grow I have with a full 4 weeks of veg and found that even with extensive LST there was simply not enough room for a plant that size.

I've read a considerable amount of threads on this and other sites on 12/12 from seed and I understand all of the pros and cons so dont bother trying to tell me it doesnt work. This is my experiment to see if i can keep a continual 1-2Oz. harvest each month solely for personal use. In a single box the only way for me to reasonably do this is by keeping the entire box 12/12.

The issue Im having is only with one plant, the oldest of them all. She is 12 days since sprouting and I recognize she is small (given that she is only recieving 50% of the light she would at this stage on 24/0). Her first set of true leaves (singles) are yellowing and curling upward. I need to know if this looks like heat damage or nutrient issues. Normally I could deduce it myself, but she is so young she may be worthless if I dont address it quickly (when doing 12/12 from seed you cant afford any stunting)

the reason it may be heat damage is because the box sometimes overheats if a fan gets stopped up or blocked. A few days ago it got up high to 92 before I had a chance to water. all the plants were fine aside from this one who was drooping heavily and took something like 8 hours to perk up again after watering and fixing the overheat.

The reason I am giving such a relatively heavy nute schedule to such young plants is because they all have worked through their cotyledons and seem to be ready to start vegging. with 12/12 from seed it still has a veg phase but its much smaller, and all the phases seem to come a little early.

so does it look like over/undernutes or residual damage from the overheat she experienced (her new growth seems green and nice but she is totally stunted)

Thanks in advance!



Active Member

Seriously though guys, this shouldn't be a tough one.

i have pretty pictures and my grow info seems fairly concise. Can anybody manage to help me out here?


Active Member
i was interested in hearing any responses to your post here cuz i was just about to make my own.... i have the same thing going on that you do. i threw 2 white widow seedlings into 12/12 after 1 week from germ. about 3 days after the transition they started to curl ever so slightly at the edges of the leaves. came back the next day and it was gone...?? funny thing is, i got 4 power skunks in the veg chamber who started showing very similar symptoms today!! im thinking it may be that i transplanted into 3 gal pots too early, the promix bx isnt draining fast enuf with those little plants in there? i also gave two consecutive feedings of 1/4 strength nutes at day 6 and 8... prolly shoulda done stright water on day 8... both sets of plants still show vigorous growth so i cant help but wonder if im just being a reactionary "noob" lol, sorry if i hijacked

1st two pics are the WW days 9 and 10 repsectively. 3rd pic is the PS day 10



Active Member
Alrighty, the gals just awoke and as expected the problem had progressed along the leaf.

I flushed the problem plant and an additional one that displayed more subtle signs of overnute. I will now water all plants with plain PH'd H2O and observe the growth. Its possible that while the others are able to tolerate the heavy nutes, they may be growing more slowly than they otherwise would. Once back on track I'll cut the nute schedule in half.

Thanks for the help, I'll try to follow up jdubg in the event that it assists you in your issue.

Just so long as all the kids get what they need im happy, hijacking is no prob!

P.S. - 2 of the seeds i have growing came from the same bag. I was told it was "Blackberry Kush" (although if it actually was I had no clue cuz ive never heard of it). Only thing I've noticed is that the undersides of these (younger) 2 seedlings leaves are nice and purple. Anybody know if this is a sign of overnute as well, or just a genetic peculiarity?


Active Member
my white widoe seedlings came out of the ground with purple stems.... i was wondering why and i did some searching around and apparently it can be a sign of over or under "something".... but it can also be just a genetic trait also