1200 Watt Blue Dream, Lemon Widow & Odyssey Grow


My first grow, so I didn't take any early pictures, as I really didn't really expect it to turn out this well, and I was focused on growing (and not taking pics). And my picture taking ability is quite lousy...I suspect I'd have to bring them out into natural light for better pics, cause that HPS lighting is a bit rough.

Picked up 6 clones - 2 Blue Dream, 1 Lemon Widow, 2 Odyssey and 1 Sour Grape. I don't know what the Lemon Widow is, but likely a citrus-tasting variety crossed with White widow.

3 cheap 400 HPS lamps, 4/7 space and spent the $$ for the 8-unit Water farm system (though I only used 6 to remain compliant with Medical Card).

Vegged from clone for 5.5 weeks till most were about 3.5' tall (and pruned to fill the 4x7 space).

Here is a pic of the room at 24 days of 12/12. I guess you gotta click on the image to see full size. The Blue Dream and Lemon Widow grew twice as big/fast as the Odyssey, and 4 times the Sour Grape (the SG might have been stunted somehow, as it never took off).
Corner Pic 24days.jpg


Here is a pic of the Blue Dream at 24 days of 12/12. For a plant that supposedly takes 10+ weeks to finish, this beauty really developed a lot of crystals early...in person, they look twice as frosty as my camera work shows. The BD far exceeds the crystalization of the other varieties in the mix...looks to be a serious variety. Below is a pic of the stalk after 5.5 weeks of veg plus 24 days of 12/12.

Blue Dream 24days.jpg

I'm really impressed with the Water Farm system. In fact, I let an experienced grower take a look at my garden on two occasions, and he was extremely impressed with the growth rate and root structure (and is now designing a similar system and dumping his Ebb and Flow). The root structure within the water resevior is pretty impressive, which I suppose is what facilited the growing of 6' pruned plants. Next time I will be putting air stones in the resevior to encourage even greater root development (dwc I guess), cause now when the lights are out, the resevior water is stagnent.
Step Pic 24days.jpg

Here's the Lemon widow at 24 days of 12/12...large continous colas with huge potential, but very "airy" at this point, which leads me to believe it will take 11-12 weeks to finish (I likely won't wait longer than 11 before starting round 2). Sure wish I knew exactly what this was...
Lemon Widow 24 days.jpg



37 days of 12/12. A couple of the bottom nugs from the Blue Dream (pics of the top nugs really didn't turn out because of the HPS lighting). Amazing crystalization compared to the Odyssey, Sour Grape and Lemon Widow (though the Lemon Widow appears to be a long finisher and could easily come on late...but the Odyssey is an 8 week variety at most and isn't nearly as frosty as the Dream).

BD lower ng 37dys.jpg

BD lower nug 37 dys.jpg

BD top picture
BD top cola 37 days.jpg


Day 37 Lemon Widow Pictures. I only have 1 Lemon Widow, but it's a nice one with several large colas that are starting to fill out nicely...not as crystalized as the Blue Dream, but I don't imagine many varieties are. Buds are still relatively airly and look a looong way off from finishing...Id guess 11 weeks in total will be required (only just over 5 weeks in these pictures). I haven't taken any pictures of the O2 dyssey or the Sour Grape because they aren't really picture worthy at this point (medium-sized with a moderate/normal amount of crystals)...when they are close to finishing, I'll snap a few close-ups.

You can see the "top" cola of one of the Odyssey plans being overshadowed by that enormous Lemon Widow cola...some of the hairs are already turning color in the Odyssey, leading me to believe she could easily be harvested at 7 weeks, though I'm planning on dragging her along for as long as possible (8-8.5 weeks to "occupy" the space while the Blue Dream and Lemon Widow finish).

LW Top Pic 37 dys.jpgLW Cola 37 days.jpgLW Cola 37 dys.jpg

LW Nug 37 dys.jpg


CPL, it is not done. Today is 3 days show of 6 weeks. I believe the Blue Dream and Lemon Widow plants still have 4 weeks go.

Tee Five...I sorta am two. I've been biased toward the Blue Dream, but if that Lemon Widow gets quite a bit denser, I too will be a fan. But I'm going going to grow the best of the best, so if the finished product isn't mind-blowing, it too will get culled out like the Odyssey and Sour Grape...I have Super Silver Haze, Super Lemon Haze, Ak 48, and possibly Master Kush to try next.

Cpl. CornB33F

Active Member
CPL, it is not done. Today is 3 days show of 6 weeks. I believe the Blue Dream and Lemon Widow plants still have 4 weeks go.

Tee Five...I sorta am two. I've been biased toward the Blue Dream, but if that Lemon Widow gets quite a bit denser, I too will be a fan. But I'm going going to grow the best of the best, so if the finished product isn't mind-blowing, it too will get culled out like the Odyssey and Sour Grape...I have Super Silver Haze, Super Lemon Haze, Ak 48, and possibly Master Kush to try next.

I knew it wasn't done I was just wondering how long you have been growing those plants.


CPL...got it. They were vegged for 5.5 weeks for clone and are just over 5 weeks of flowering in the above pictures. The Lemon Widow and Blue dream are over 6' with top colas bent over a bit...they really grew aggressively. I will take 6 week pictures in 2 days and post them.

Tee Five...forgot to repond to you lemony smell question...there is a very slight citrus-like aroma forming, but thruthfully it is quite minimal at this point.

Tee Five

Active Member

I'll enjoy hearing a review on taste, aroma, and the high when your journal is over.

We'll have to find some score cards for you to fill out....kind of like on the Iron Chef :)

Im always looking for honest reviews on that aspect, but it seems so few actually review their weed at the end of their grow journals (or at least the ones Ive seen). Right now--I just like the concept of Lemon-Widow--it strikes a chord with me.

anyways best of luck
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Figured I'd start updated with pictures weekly. Today is week 6 of 12/12/

Here is a room pic. Not much has changed since there will be no further vertical growth. Unable to get complete room pic, but about 2/3 of room is visible here.
View attachment 919792


I've been promising some pics of the two Odyssey plants, so here they are. There are 2 Odyssey plants, each pruned to produce about 4 main colas. Overall, the plants are relatively small compared to the others (about 4' high). One could probably harvest these in a week, but I'll be waiting 2 to 2.5 weeks more to harvest since the other plants are 3.5-5 weeks out still.

Odyssey 6wks pic3.jpgOdyssey 6wks plant2.jpgOdyssey 6wks pic2.jpg
Odyssey 6 wks pic 4.jpg
Nothing special, just good Kind green. If I didn't have the Lemon Widow and Blue Dream, I'd think these were great. Moderate crystalization, and we'll have to do a smoke report in a month or so.


Still my favorite of the bunch, Blue Dream. Again, because I don't have any other lighting in the room and the HPS lighting is horrible, my best pics are of the bottom nugs where the light is significatnly diffused. Heavy crystalization considering they have at a minumum of 4 weeks remaining! Even the large fan leaves are now starting to develop significant crystals...makes me quite happy. You can tell by the hairs/development of the last pic that this plant still has a looong ways to go.

BD 6 wks pic5.jpgBD 6wks pic 3.jpgBD 6wks pic4.jpgBD 6wks pic1.jpgBD 6wks pic7.jpg


Here's the Lemon Widow at 6 weeks. It has many very large colas, so if/when it fills in, it will be a good producer. But as you can see form the 3rd pic here, inn some areas it still has a long way to go, maybe/probably 5 weeks more. Yet, crystalization is starting to get pretty good, so this plant could find a home in my next grow (provided it doesn't take tooo long to finish).

LW bottom nug2 6wks.jpgLW Cola 6wks.jpgPicture 073.jpgLW 6wks.jpg


I forgot to take pictures of the Sour Grape, and though it is heavily crystalized, it's a real runt...maybe 2.5' tall and I only expect it to yield 1/10th what the Lemon Widow and Blue Dream plants yield. On a positive note, it didn't take up much room, and I broke out the vaporizer and sampled with a friend - it destroyed both of us. Like the Odyssey, it's a fast finisher and will be taken in a couple weeks.Tee Five, you'll be happy to know it really does smell grape-like.

Tee Five

Active Member
I Tee Five, you'll be happy to know it really does smell grape-like.

You're right--but I think that Lemon widow is really something special (not to take away from your other plants--they really are all blue ribbon winniers)

I can't wait til harvest--which will be soon. But im wondering if you have stopped with the nutes and are on straight water with some/ or all?


Haven't stopped the nutes yet, and won't for a quite a while. I'll probably only flush 3 -5 days, but this is something I've been meaning to investigate further.

California Buds

Well-Known Member
Haven't stopped the nutes yet, and won't for a quite a while. I'll probably only flush 3 -5 days, but this is something I've been meaning to investigate further.
I'm going to flush mine for their last half week alive.

How far into flowering are your Blue Dreams currently?
They are making my mouth drool lol.

Mine are like 25-26 days into flowering so far, they have a long way to go.
And what are you doing to restrict them from touching the light?


California Buds, mine are at day 45 of 12/12 today (5/9)...the Blue Dream and Lemon Widow are just now starting to have a small percentage of hairs turn color. About a week ago I plucked a pre-mature bud and dried it over the last week - it was extemely dank and crystal covered.

I have unrestricted height (up to about 20') in the room, so height will never be an issue. With that said, I did prune heavily so that I could fill a 4' x 7' space with 6 plants, which in turn kept the height somewhat under control...I also bent some of the braches over a bit at the end. Also, since I have three 400 HPS light, I have the lights staggered in height to match the height of the plants with the tallest plants on one side and the shortest on the other.