1200 watt LA confidential

I just started my 8th week of flower and and things are looking like they are coming to an end but my friend that gave me the clones said he lets his go 10 weeks but everywhere I read online people say that its a 8 week strain, I am just gonna go by tric color to tell me when but does anybody have any input on this strain? I will post pics soon
So your saying not to let it go 10 weeks?? because thats what he does, mine look real close to done so idk what he is talking about. I think he just gets a lil more weight but I dont want to give up quality for quantity.


Well-Known Member
no I'm saying that in the last two week's of "FINISHING" it add's 20% to the thc and bud's swell so wait until you are sure it is realy finished!!!!some plant's grow in wave's look like done and then double in size in day's....keep smiling! jack Remember breader's recomendation's are usually more accurate....if you go with the tric's color you can't go wrong as you stated weight is not worth sacraficing quality! I don't think you will have a problem...don't remember how long it took when I grew that...don't keep record's to be safe...jack..this plant has 4 more week's but if you loked at it you would say it look's really close!! Not the size but the thc in the tric balls that count! You have that right! Enjoy the fruit's my friend!!wishing you the best! jack4 more week's.jpgG13 plant 2 16 cola's forming.jpg