this is my first grow its 125w cfl actual wattage not equiv and some soil from the store up the road that was supposed to have good drainage the plant has 2 little green bits poking up in the first picture i moved the soil away a bit around it and it looked like the second picture it is in a regular sized bucket that u would use for mopping etc with punctures for drainage i just watered it with 1.25l of water i germed it for 5 or 6 days in a cup when the root was about 2cm or 1.5cmi planted it i left the lights on 24hr cycle because my timer is still getting shipped its been in soil for around 3 - 5 days or this bad? it seems really small.. and half of it is sorta under a layer of soil the last 2 pics are after watering the first is with soil moved over that long bit should i have it under soil or above? thanks!