12on 12off


Hello, I have a question about the method of using timers to 'trick' the females into flowering when you want them to by using timers set to 12hours of light and 12 hours of dark, My question is: Can I leave my plant(s) outside in the sun for 12 hours, and then bring them inside in a dark room for 12 hours and get the same results? The only lights I have are VERY CHEAP wal-mart lights i think they were 150watts, I have two of those, I don't think they will be enough for 7 plants? I wont have 7 after the males show, but I do atm, also, does anyone know if switching from sunlight to arificial light is likely to cause hermies?


Can I leave my plant(s) outside in the sun for 12 hours, and then bring them inside in a dark room for 12 hours and get the same results?

Will switching light sources increase the chance of hermies?

Thanks in advance and sorry about the spelling.



Well-Known Member
1) Yes, you can trick them by putting them in a dark room at night or just placing a box over them outside to block out the light.

2) Not that I know of or have ever heard of.