130ft2 to grow in 4 months, whats the best options?


Hi All ,
I have 130footsq or 12sq meters of room to grow over winter. I want to do one crop , the simplest cheapest most idiot proof way possible, with a goal of the most yield at the end of it.
I usually grow gorilla style but had a nightmare this summer , so need to sort it out through the 4 months of summer i have the space.
I have a square room with a door a window n electric. I have an idea that simple 600w lights and soil would be the way forward , but could do with some help on what is really the best way. ie how many plants per foot sq (or m2) and how many plants under one light etc.
I imagine that 4 months is good enough to go from set up to dried product.? I have to leave the room as i found it.
I did consider getting a tent kit , but suspect that im not going to end up with anything like the amount of product im looking for.
Im thinking that once ive bought all the kit i can store it all at the end and do the same each year.
Any help on what and how to set up ie how many lights / how many plants / how many fans / is the heat in the room a problem etc etc. what kind of expected yield could i expect ,or at least a rough guide would be well n truly appreciated.
Thanks a lot ..........


Well-Known Member
Id recommend alot of research....watch yt vids and look at some setups on riu. 1st plan is to think of how much equipment you can run with your electrical or if you plan on adding a sub box


Well-Known Member
Are you starting with clones or seeds? That could determine some things. If plant count doesn't concern you, then I would suggest looking into SOG. I have always wanted to try it, but with plant count limits it's not gonna happen.