14days into flowering need help


Active Member
Well I have 3x WW growing atm. they were about 29cm before I put them into flowering which is 14days ago. My problem is that they have reached an alarming hight approx 120cm.
Is it possible to cut them down abit without killing them?

Added picture from today. The pics are from 9th, 22nd and today.



Well-Known Member
Any topping now will divert the plants energy from making buds to healing wounds, thus slowing down the flowering process.


Well-Known Member
Your plants look great. They should slow down on the height growth soon, but they will put more on, possibly all the way through flowering. I have one just about ready for harvest that still puts on 1/4 to 1/2 inch a day. I bent my plants over during the stretch phase and built out some good side branches, so that's an option. But I wouldn't "top" them at this point.. too much stress and slow-down of the growth process (for my taste anyway... it won't actually hurt the plant if you don't mind the wait for recovery, and it will build out your side branches).


Well-Known Member
Those look beautifully healthy :-) If they were mine I would simply bend and tie as suggested above, I continue training right through until well into flowering, bending gently...where you need to try adding a 'counter tie' so that you dont place too much strain on the stems/roots, ie: you pull back with one and pull down with the other if that makes sense!

It wont harm them at all if done with care and you will get a much better penetation of light to those lower bud points, if you pull tops down it diverts growth to lower tips.

Great plants, WW remains one of my old favourites!


Well-Known Member
I am sorry that was not very clear. Ok what I am refering to is the Preflowers (like 2-2.5 weeks in 12/12) on the very top of the plant, not between nodes. When you see the preflowers take set on the very top of the branches and you cut 2/3 of the preflowers off (fim) what happens is they stop growing for about 1-2 weeks then Explode with girth and 4 tops/crowns on one bud.


Well-Known Member
Look up "supercropping". Youtube has a couple of great videos on it, btw. ;) Essentially, you twist the main trunk around a bit to get the plant matter soft and then literally just let it fold without tearing the skin. All you've done is caused internal vascular damage to the plant, which it can heal from quite rapidly if you don't tear the skin. Once the limb is downish, tie it to its base so the top cola can't come up more than horizontal. In a few days, the plant will heal and the top cola will be pointing skyward again. The difference is that you will now have 2 top colas and a much shorter profile. Good luck, dude!

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Yea you're too late for bushaster or rock flower juice so supercropping and/or bending and tying around the light are your best options.


Active Member
I'm really running into trouble these lovely plants are growing out of control they are now 145cm tall. what can I do to stop them reaching the roof?

