150 Watt Closet Autoflower Grow [Russian Rocket Fuel]

hello all!

Im new to the forum but ive been reading on here for quite ahwile, lots of impressive stuff!! anyway i figured i would give this grow journal a try being that this is only my second grow and i really could use the advice so many before have recieved on this forum. Ill be growing one autoflowering russian rocket fuel strain underneath a sun systems 150 watt Hps lamp. So far the temps seem to be hovering around 78-84 degrees consistantly. However, i am a little worried about the amount of growth im seeing, or lack there of, at day 11. My light schedule is 24/0 and im seriously considering going no nutes for this grow as ive read frequently how sensitive autos are to nutes, especially RRR. also, ventilation seems to be good, ive got 2 fans blowing in there keeping things cool and moving, the in window A/C 10 ft from the closet door helps as well (:

heres the setup:

sun systems 150 watt hps
russian rocket fuel strain
1 gallon bucket
fox farms ocean forest soil with 1/4 part pellatized lime
fox farms big bloom and tiger bloom
bonide Root & grow

The plant is currently 11 days old and has 4 defined leaves. as i said before im a little worried about its progress given the amount of veg time these autos have...im thinking it has to do with over-watering as during days 2-6 i was giving it about a dixie cups worth of water daily to keep the seedling moist. since then i have stopped and am now watering every 3 days if necessary. Any advice would greatly appreciated.

heres the pics!

^^^im guessing this is around day 6-7? no date on my phone /:

here it is at day 11

^^the setup

^day 11

^^day 11


day 13, checked my little guy last night and it appears to have some heat/light burn on one of the leaves, i moved my light up about 8in to see if that helps. temps dropped to 74 degree conistantly now and it doesnt appear to have stunted the growth as new leaves are getting bigger by the day. and PLEASE, ANYBODY FEEL FREE TO RESPOND TO THIS JOURNAL! i could really use sum advice.


I added some arrows to show the burns on the leaf, the spots are about a cm wide and are yellow and crispy.\/\/\/

Congrats man, I've used them once before in a past auto flower grow, my first grow actually,they work great! Low heat, lots of light, and very reliable. What r your plans with the new lamps? Ever grown autos before?


Well-Known Member
hey back that light of the plant thats why your having problems with heat the light needs to be at least a foot away
Thanks Joker, well the plant is at 2.5 weeks so yesterday I started O2 loading a gallon of phd water along with a teaspoon of FF big bloom too start it's first feeding. I plan on keeping mutes quite light over the grow unless I see it wanting more.


Active Member
plant 009.jpgplant 010.jpgi didnt use any nutes my frist grow (im on my 2nd) just the hated MG soil and it turned out great. But if this one goes good im going to invest in some nutes heres a couple pics of my first
wow that plant looks great! and no nutes? makes me feel better about goin super easy on them then. what were the details for that grow?
Update Day 21

finally showed sex, its a girl thankfully. shes really starting to stink tho, any ideas n how to combat this problem? i cant use a carbon filter as its a closed system.


terribly, i had 4 RRFs in a homemade grow tent that at first were doing quite nicely. except inconsistant temps and all that bs turned 2 male and 1 hermie. i had 1 female that was going great, except 2 weeks before harvest i had a nasty white fly problem and sprayed the wrong stuff on her, killed it over night...bogus. this is going much better tho, except the smell is starting to become a problem..

this is female

the grow tent, yes its a baby crib. no worries tho it was mine..:hump:

group shot

the male

same female

same female
Day 27:
i think shes really taking to the amount of big bloom im giving her now, lots of growth especially new branches and leaves sprouting from inside, its really starting to fill out for its size. unfortunatly i think my pot size is hindering its overall size as it only has about a gallon, if that, of soil, and im uneasy about transplanting an auto...


feel free to comment on my grow