150 watt mh 24/7?


Well-Known Member
Is it ok to leave my 150 watt mh bulb on all the time?

The ballast was origonally for 150 watt hps. I did some research and found it was ok to use mh bulbs for hps ballast, but not the other way around.

the bulb works great, when its fully on..... Everyday when it turns on, it takes me about 5-30 minutes to get it to fully come on. It starts out with a low glow, and if i dont mess with it, it will stay a low glow. So i have to basically tap it, and thump it, and do whatever i can to get it to flicker on.

Thats why im wondering if i could just always leave it on. I will only be using for a month tops.


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Mother's Finest

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Yes. Startup is the hardest on the lamp and is the time where failure is most likely. With proper cooling, an HID turned on 24/7 should outlast one that's turned on and off every day. Any differences between the ballast you're using and the one you should be using will be nullified by having no startups.


Well-Known Member
As long as your socket/ballast is rated for the 150 then there is no reason that it cannot run 24/7.
Also, sounds like you need to be in the market for a new lamp - that one has about had it & nothing sucks more than a dead lamp in the middle of veg.
I keep spares.

Is this your lamp?

Edit: Nice harvest in your Avi. +
Thnx! Im currently smoking on those buds now lol
i got the light at 1000bulbs.com, it looks pretty much the same as the one you showed. And, its practically new. This is only the second time ive used it for vegging. When i first got it, i didnt even think it worked cause it didnt come on all the way, and after i messed with it for so long, it finally flickered on all the way. And so thats basically what i do evertime it turns on, really sux lol. So after reading what u guys said ill just leave it on 27/7. Thnx for ur reply!

Yes. Startup is the hardest on the lamp and is the time where failure is most likely. With proper cooling, an HID turned on 24/7 should outlast one that's turned on and off every day. Any differences between the ballast you're using and the one you should be using will be nullified by having no startups.
Very helpful info! Ive always assumed the lights need to cool off every once an awhile but i guess not. This is going to make thing alot easier :) Thanks!