150W HPS First Grows- Switiching to 600W HPS Sept 1

Hey guys! I'm new to growing and LOVE IT. I Grow instead of paying rent :) Can't beat it! It's fun and something to do!.

Currently Have a few plants going had 12 at one point but alot were males... harvested 2 way to early, got 12 grams lol sad. and smelled like plant (not weed) but still got you high..)

currently I have one big plant 3ft tall flowering unknown when i started it.

150HPS Light
(Tomm I get my 600W HPS which i'm excited about so i can get better yeilds!)
Growing in a closet (under stairs) (still neeed to figure out ventlation...)
I have 3 other plants that just started flowering, ALL Are bag seed...

I do have 3 glass slippers from a Colorado Seedbank- 2 are still in vegg 1 is in hydro (but seems to be growing SLOW)

Here are some pictures! Enjoy

I also have a few problems with the big plant and one plant just starting in veg.. pictured below)

I also have a pot in the terra cotta looking pot those are all Beans ;)

