150w or 250w HPS? +Pics


Hello there!

I've got a rather small grow area to work with and it's time to upgrade my lights. I've done the research and my 125w cfl at the moment has served me well, but i want bigger buds :].
Im not so good on my electrics and i have no knowledge of heat dispertion of a hps, so i want to play it safe and am looking for either a 150w/250w sun system or something similar for the flowering compartment.

Ive not yet drilled a hole in the side for an intake, but i have got a exhaust vent at the top of the growdrobe :D. (Just a 120mm pc fan running at 5v with ventilation tubing)

My setup -
Dimentions: L= 56cm X W= 42cm X H= 124cm


Can anybody recomend either the 150w or the 250w hps.
Will the 250 be too hot?

Thanks for reading, oh and the plants if your wandering (Chronic + Gforce) have 3 more days till harvest. I harvested 2 of them :hump: a week ago as they were the biggest and looked done. Leaving the other small plants (trainwreck and a random ass bagseed which turned out to be female) :D!

Gforce nug at the moment
Zoikes :weed: :joint:


Well-Known Member
That's about 1'x1'6"x4', I don't think that sun system 250W will fit in that box, have you checked the dimensions? The 150W should fit but it's going to be really tight, it's 15" long. With the 250W off the table, will the 150W be too hot? I suspect that the answer is yes. What are the temps that you get now with the 150W CFL?


It's a 125w red cfl and currently it is at a 32 degree's, but i have yet to setup a vent system, all i want to know in that small ammount of space will the hps start burning the walls or start to melt shit, which in that case ide be sad :(.

I have measured the sun system on-line and got the dimensions, apparantly we could fit 2 in there :D (measuring the reflecter/ballast thing)

What do you think will be the best idea for that ammount of space? I have a seperate veg room below so i could do a sog every 3/4 months which is what im probably going to do, but i can fit about 6 2' plants in there now with ease, its just like a sweatshop in there :L

Measuring the 250 sun system it just about missis the mark by about an inch, otherwise it would of fit D:
Have you had any experiance?


Well-Known Member
I checked again and it 1'4"x1'10"x4', sorry, my bad. The metric system isn't really my thing. 32c = 90f, that's pretty hot considering where you want to be. The little lamp that you are looking at doesn't have an option for glass or air cooling, you are going to have to try and flow a large amount of room air through that box to try and keep it cool. I hope that the room air isn't higher than 25C. SOG in less than 4 sq feet? I have no idea how you are going to make that happen. It looks like you veging below and it's going to heat things up there as well. Is making another flower box an option?