1K HPS Distance - Relative to Temperature


Hey everyone. I have a question regarding my setup.

I've seen all of the HPS distance charts and whatnot; however, I would appreciate input from those that have had situations like mine.

I have a 48"x48"x80" tent. 1000w HPS. 400 CFM fan that turns on at 78 degrees F.

Now, I'm getting canopy temperatures of 89-94 degrees with the glass approx. 15" from the canopy. I'm in flowering and my RH is around 30-35. I have no fan actually blowing on the crop itself. Should I raise the lamp? Add a fan? Younger flowering plants are 'canoeing' very slightly nearing the top, but developed plants look perfect.

Opinions are appreciated. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
I would install an ossilating fan at canopy level to move that hot air. You don't want a tornado going, just a nice breeze.

Sent from Northern Colorado.


Active Member
Definently need a fain to get a little breeze going, for more reasons than just the heat, but beyond that, I would personally raise the light, I often find the plants get burnt or bleached when the temps get higher then 84-85 and my light is to close, if and when the temps get in that range I like to bump her up to about 19-20" just to be safe. Not all strains get bleached out, but some of my more finicky ones do, and they also develop poorly when it does occur.


Well-Known Member
Definitely pull that light up. good thing you checked temp at canopy level and didnt go by ambient room temp!

Put your hand at the canopy level. If it feels warm you need to raise the lights to where you dont feel that heat anymore.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. I have a question regarding my setup.

I've seen all of the HPS distance charts and whatnot; however, I would appreciate input from those that have had situations like mine.

I have a 48"x48"x80" tent. 1000w HPS. 400 CFM fan that turns on at 78 degrees F.

Now, I'm getting canopy temperatures of 89-94 degrees with the glass approx. 15" from the canopy. I'm in flowering and my RH is around 30-35. I have no fan actually blowing on the crop itself. Should I raise the lamp? Add a fan? Younger flowering plants are 'canoeing' very slightly nearing the top, but developed plants look perfect.

Opinions are appreciated. Thanks.
here's mine:

Get a 6" or better inline blower to move more air through your sealed hood and out of your tent.

My 2 cents,



Well-Known Member
Even with a cool tribe venting the heat id still move some air at canopy level.

Sent from Northern Colorado.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. I have a question regarding my setup.

I've seen all of the HPS distance charts and whatnot; however, I would appreciate input from those that have had situations like mine.

I have a 48"x48"x80" tent. 1000w HPS. 400 CFM fan that turns on at 78 degrees F.

Now, I'm getting canopy temperatures of 89-94 degrees with the glass approx. 15" from the canopy. I'm in flowering and my RH is around 30-35. I have no fan actually blowing on the crop itself. Should I raise the lamp? Add a fan? Younger flowering plants are 'canoeing' very slightly nearing the top, but developed plants look perfect.

Opinions are appreciated. Thanks.
I can run my 1ks couple inches from plants with no issues once there fully in bloom. I run 8'' fans for every 2 1ks. Make your 400cfm fan run 24/7. I like my temps to be 74-75f if i can as high, never over 78f and i hit 68f average as low. Also add a fan to blow air around inbetween the bottom of hood and top of plants, not directly on plants.