1st attempt at SCROG


I would like any feedback by people who have done a SCROG grow, what is the best type of mesh ie Metal Chicken wire, or a nylon mesh (where you can make larger holes where you need it). I am growing in soil for the 1st time indoors and it is looking good, a question about nutrients, I am in an Australian small country town so there is no local Hydro store just down the road, and I do not trust our local postmaster "small town Chat Chat", so I am making my own flowering mix. I am aiming at Nitrogen 4% Phosphorous 8% and potassium 12%, does that sound right. The plants I am growing are white widow and bigbud, I let them veg for 4 weeks on a 20/4 cycle then went to a 12/12 cycle the photo's attached are day 13 of flowering, as you can see I have been training a few plants to make a complete canopy and have just started to remove some of the larger shade leaves. Outside I leave them on until they just drop off but under lights they were blocking light getting to the bud sites. I am using a 1000W HPS with a chinaman hat reflector, I am in a fortunate position where I dont have to use a tent I have a whole room, That I want to eventually have two or three lights, and a light proof cupboard for clones and another room for the mother plants. I suppose thats enough for the first post, would love to hear other poeples experience's with SCROG and using their own fertilizer mix.



Well-Known Member
I just take nylon string and make the screen as the plants grow.
You will want to reduce that nitrogen after they finish going thru their stretch.. Keep a watch on that wire, make sure it doesnt cut into any of the limbs as they grow.


thanks for the good advice should I train and weave thru the net the main stem, you think no nitrogen during last 6 weeks of flowering is a good idea, by your pic you know your stuff, how long have they been flowering and what strain are they. Again thanks