1st CLF grow...here we go


Well-Known Member
Got My CFLs, got my pots, got my dirt, got my seeds.

My first grow ever was this year. I was surprised when some seeds I put in dirt outside actually sprouted. I immediately got on here to figure out what to do to make it finish. I was successful, so I think Ima gonna try it again.

Since it's winter, though, I'm starting inside.

I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm hoping you fine folks will help answer any questions I have.

Last go-round I didn't document anything, so I figure I should start.

Last week I did a test. I took about 6 seeds and put them in the paper towel in the plate. I also took two seeds and just stuck them in a pot and watered them. I wanted to see which sprouted first. The next day, three of my paper towel seeds had sprouted their roots, so I put them in dirt. (the others are taking longer and will be planted today. Low and behold today, some of them broke through the dirt to show themselves.

(Pictures to follow) Just FYI, the ones I put in dirt without using the paper towel, actually broke through the dirt first.

They're all bagseed. I have no idea what they are, but we're about to find out.

Wish me luck


Well-Known Member
Right now I have 2 42w and 3 23w CFLs, all soft white. I plan on getting two or three more higher wattages in a daylight color for the germ cycle. I really didn't think they'd all germinate so I'm not prepared with enough lighting.

They just broke through the surface today. I'm a proud mama. I have four seedlings and four pots of dirt. Hopefully the remaining four will break through as well.


Well-Known Member
heh, heh.....lookat that. I just found the grow journal section.

I'ma dumbass. I'll set up an official grow journal