1st grow and harvest


Hi guys, kinda bummed out with my first harvest. Im running 2.5 x 4ft by 4ft tent. Im running led light bulbs with globe removed, total consumption power is 144 true watts. Im growing in soil that is peat moss sand mix, i add worm casings, vermiculite and perlite. I used GH maxibloom, i potted in 3gal pot. I vegged for 6 weeks and flowered for 8 weeks. I dried it for 7 days and just weighed my final at 56Grams. Is this normal? Did i do something bad? Im not even close to half a watt a gram. Please let me know how i can improve. Thank you.



Well-Known Member
yes very normal

2oz off a plant under 144 watts seems like a decent number,

Nice buds, good job , best of luck on the next one


I'm amazed you only got 56g off that, looks much closer to 100 to me but maybe it's just the perspective.

Definately a good first grow. The plant looks great.


Well-Known Member
I pulled 1.7g off a single 100watt cob grow. I would say 2oz is ok. But your pics look more then 2oz


Well-Known Member
Dry weight looks a lot different than when it's swollen and still on the plant

2 ounces off 144w is not bad, I'm sure there's been guys who have done better , I'm positive there's lots more who have done much worst.


Thanks guys, i feel better now tried it and it taste nice. Could it be genetics as well? this one was OG kush free seed from attittude seeds. I have another almost ready in another week called chunky skunk from freedom of seeds check the pictures but i think it's going to give more looks like way more colas. Could it be genetics? i have also lowered my lights to 6" away.



Well-Known Member
Look at it this way .... you pulled a great looking plant with 144w.
Add double that and reap better yields .