1st grow: Bagseed + WW, 2 plants LST CFL low watt


Active Member
First of all, I'd like to thank you at RIU: if I succeed, I owe it to you all :bigjoint:

So, I have 1 bagseed plus 1 white widow,
LSTed and under 143W of CFLs (4x 25W 2700k, 1x 18W 2700k, 1x 25W 6500k in the middle) for now, and will try to keep it low.

bagseed is 45 days from seed (1 month veg, 15 days flo.), WW feminised is 10 days old (btw you can see two WW plants: one is a present for a friend of mine who hasn't his setup ready yet)

ordinary soil, atami b'cuzz soil 1/2 dosage, a drop of superthrive, mylar and two fans.

I want to see how it's going to turn out with such a low wattage :) wish me luck! ;)



Active Member
Oh I forgot some details...

- cab is homemade: 2 feet x 1 feet base area, 3 feet tall - with diy carbon filter

- I have a 30 watts side 24/7 "incubator" for starting a new plant when one of the two in the cab is finished (the two plants in the cab have 1 month difference, and the elder gets the extra 18W bulb ^^) and fits into main cabinet's side, just below the electric panel.

- plants are 12/12 now: bagseed (which had a lot of stress and is late-ish) should finish half/end of may, and WW half/end of june.

boy these pics are crappy... :-? :mrgreen:



Active Member
I managed to take a couple better pics of the plants :)
(and one of the box + incubator)

an important (4 me...) detail: the whole box and grow started when I was FUC*ED :cuss: by a so called "friend"... but at least I found a couple beanies in the bag and planted them... (one is the biggest plant here, the other turned out male and was pulled :( )

Njoy the pix!!!! :bigjoint:

PS> looks like I'm spending 20 min every two/three days to untie and tie again, as the ropes become loose... wonder if it is normal or its just me learning :lol:


you're LST'ed plant looks sexy!!! Be sure to post how much you harvest when it's ready. Really good job on the grow box and lighting setup. It looks like that little box is absolutely flooded with light. You're plants look healthy and thriving. A true testament to how far you can go with CFL's.


Active Member
you're LST'ed plant looks sexy!!! Be sure to post how much you harvest when it's ready. Really good job on the grow box and lighting setup. It looks like that little box is absolutely flooded with light. You're plants look healthy and thriving. A true testament to how far you can go with CFL's.
thanx man!!! really appreciate!!! (& btw welcome on this wonderful forum)
I will keep this thread updated for sure! ;) :bigjoint:

yeah I'm focusing on making the most out of my lil' lights: I just added a coke-can reflector for the side bulb and another "wing" of mylar on the top reflector - will post the pix soon :)


Active Member
Oh I know all about it
guess we're both fans of diy then :) big hassles all the time, but satisfying in the end :weed:


took (yet another!) pic of the lights setup :) , but the coke-can reflector is barely visible and the new mylar wings aren't that much after all :( oh well... :joint:

the plants looked a lil' bit tired today, maybe it's due to a slight overwatering/overferting - will keep an eye on that and post new pix as soon as there's something interesting to show :)

my friend's coming to pick his WW and I'll transplant mine directly to her final pot (she's a lady after all, no surprises - I hope!)



Well-Known Member
thanks for the rep trifase, thought id's drop by and see what's cooking
trying a LST for the 1st time? same here
retying everyday seems to be the deal, at least at the start, has been for me anyways


Active Member
thanks for the rep trifase, thought id's drop by and see what's cooking
trying a LST for the 1st time? same here
retying everyday seems to be the deal, at least at the start, has been for me anyways
you deserved it man, I read your whole last thread - can't wait to see you back on track, peace :leaf:

- - -

yeah it's my first time LSTing, and CFL as well :)
I only had once this 250w HPS setup 5 years ago, but it was a complete failure - took 5 months to get some 30-40 *grams* out of 5 plants... I messed up with everything I could: the tent was huge, noisy, badly insulated, I had stunted growth at like every step I took and harvested a misery... god it is painful just to recall it ahah


Active Member
looking good man, nice setup! i plan on trying out some LST so i hope yours works out! im subed

thanks for the sub HC!! :)
I was gone for two days and they were doing just fine when I came back yesterday.
...update pix will be up today as soon as the plants wake up! :sleep:


Active Member
i have heat issues all the time with only 120 watts total and i have three fans!! help!
Sounds strange indeed... can you post a pic, or a drawing, or describe better what's goin' on?
If you have one (or more) fan blowing fresh air into the box, and one pulling it out, with such a few watts you should be fine :confused: what distance do you keep your plants from the lights? what's the room temp??

I'll help if I can so post whatever - but you should know this is the wrong thread :mrgreen:


Active Member
6th april quick UPDATE:

bagseed i thriving, I'm very happy about it - some thricomes are turning amber, but there's a month to go at least - oh my I need to be patient!! :-|

12/12 white widows have been transplanted two days ago, they grew fast as well, and I'm trying to decide which kind of topping I may do, if any

njoy the pix :)



Well-Known Member
righteous! i see you drilled a bunch of holes on the pot lip
ended up doing the same thing myself, not as many strings but i'm getting there


Active Member
are you gonna lst all those girls? or just the one?
hey HC :) one of the small ladies is leaving in days, it's for a friend - I'm keepin' it warm ^^
the bigger one and one WW will be trained.

righteous! i see you drilled a bunch of holes on the pot lip
ended up doing the same thing myself, not as many strings but i'm getting there
yap as soon as I bought it I cut as many holes as I could :)
there is a kind of pattern of holes in the bottom part of the pot, where there's the perlite: I thought it could bring some air to the roots but I dunno if it's doing any good lol

c ya :)