1st grow, cfl


so this is my first journal. This is all about my 2nd set of clones which wereplanted on 5/19/11. i planted my fist set of plants on 4/23/11, they are still vegging but they are part sativa and cant really thrive as well as it could outdoors. So im just gonna journal the newbies. ive been reading up for a while now but i still have a lot to learn. the clones were around 4-5 inches when i put them in the soil.
Lights - Right now i have a few 300watt CFLs (15 bucks at home depot and runs off 68 watts) and they veg the plants really well so far. i plan to add more lights when I get paid. they are on 18/6. i will switch them to 12/12 around the 10th.
Diet - I give my plants water every other day. seems to be perfect. and every other feed i give them Vitaboost Pro 1-0-2 [1 tsp per gallon] These nutes were given to me and seem to work fine. If anyone could suggest another good veg nute thats reasonably priced. I also give them this stuff called Atomic Wall. the guy at the hydro store spoke highly of it and says it builds the plant really well and makes the stem grow really thick. we tested it on 2 out of 3 plants all the same strain and the stem was probably 2x thicker for the ones that used it. but i only started giving it to the newbies last feed, because they should be a little developed when you use it. For soil they use miracle grow potting mix and seem to like it.
Setup - I turned the whole walk in closet into a grow room and on both sides it indents quite a bit, perfect place to put plants and have a generous walkway. and i can hang lights perfectly from the indent.
since im just starting out, my equiptment is limited, but i keep adding to the closet. im trying to decide how i want to flower them. whats the most cost effective lighting? meaning lots of growth for a reasonably priced bulb. around the 100$/bulb range. and let me know if you think im doing something wrong.
ill try to update once or twice a week.

(Pictures taken on 6-1-11. no particular order)
:joint:Hazy Og (x2)
:joint:Fire Og
:joint:Bog's Sour Bubble
:joint:Alien Dog (pest resistant and *pretty sure* root rot resistant)
:joint:Platinum Bubba
:joint:Bubblegum (weak leaves, not most promising of the strains but it wont die so i have faith)

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^^^ HAZY OG ^^^
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^^^ALIEN DOG ^^^
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^^^ HAZY OG ^^^
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^^^ GWANNA ^^^
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wish em luck!