1st grow day 47 ,this white widow?


Well-Known Member
day 47 flower ,got a while yet all the hairs are still white.. does it look like white widow? was just some bagseed from some very good smoke.
it might be but it looks like good genetics to bad you never cloned it.


Active Member
still have a few seeds from that batch maybe about 10,hopefully i can get another sprout from one of them or i might even keep the mother alive ,harvest the top only


Active Member
at a distance the plant smells bad lol but if you touch the buds they smell really nice,fairly strong and sticky its 5 foot in a 20 litre container,those shots show top of plant.


Well-Known Member
no its not white widow. white widow is 60% indica and by the looks of those leaves you have a sativa dominant plant.


Well-Known Member
Thats not true. Those leaves do not look sativa dominant to my eyes. In fact they look a bit like a mix, a 60-40 split sounds just right, not too thin, not too thick.


Well-Known Member
there is obviously no way to tell the strain. but youre doing a bang up job thus far, very nice plant. stay patient and keepit up, late


Well-Known Member
heres white widow strain.some similarities but his could be a diffrent white strain.


Well-Known Member
If you are not for sure what strain it is, then why are you calling it white widow? Is that what the person you got the bag off of said it was.


Well-Known Member
If you are not for sure what strain it is, then why are you calling it white widow? Is that what the person you got the bag off of said it was.
if you read his post it states this is white widow? meaning he is not positive but im sure there bag seeds.:blsmoke:


Active Member
i thought it might be white widow because somebody said it looked like it at day 31 of flower,and i thought it looks a bit like some of the ww plants ive seen.But from what ive read ww is 60% sativa dominant think you got that wrong way around ,any idea on yield? can clone a bud yea? wats the success rate of that?:blsmoke:


Active Member
i might be in luck,this plant hermied at week 3,but i never seen any seed pods ,well about 4-5,in lower branches nothing in cola,but today i noticed a few more maybe 10 all up. So i pulled a pod off,the seed looked good in colour and strong ,i got 2 ..will these seeds be ok u rekon? i just put them in a plastic seal bag for now, that ok?


Well-Known Member
But from what ive read ww is 60% sativa dominant think you got that wrong way around
u got a lil more reading to do.

Marijuana Seeds - White Widow

If i had to take a guess I'd say its nothing more than Skunk x something..probably an accidental cross from a hermie motherbitch.

Thats not true. Those leaves do not look sativa dominant to my eyes. In fact they look a bit like a mix, a 60-40 split sounds just right, not too thin, not too thick.

Indica/Sativa Hybrid (Indica Dominant):

plant at question:
