1st Grow Journal, 3 WhiteBerry seeds


Hi all,

First of all, please excuse my english, it`s not my first language :)
I read this forum for the past 2 weeks, and i find it very useful. I bought a pack of 3 seeds (Paradise seeds) White Berry. I had them germinated yesterday, and today they have 1/2 inch root. All 3 of them.

Today i planted them in 3 Root Riot cubes, and i`ve started the lights in my mini Grow Box.

Tomorrow i will post pictures with my grow box, and also with the germinated seeds. Please fell free to post replays!

In my next post, i will tell you about my small grow box, and also i will need your opinion about it.



The seeds germinated, as you can see in the following pics, and today, i planted them into small root riot cubes. I will also attach a picture with the cube.

the lights that i plan on using are CFL. 4x26w that i plan on using in seedling, and 1 big 200W CFL that y will use on vegging and flowering period.

I also attached 2 pc coolers (intake down, and exhaust up)

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What do you think about my plans? Do you thing it`s going to work? :-P

Any help will be much appreciated,


I have a question. When i bought the seeds, on the package i read that they are feminised. Does that means that all 3 of them are females? There shouldn`t be any males, right?



can someone please tell me if there is going to be enough space to grow all 3 of them?
What do you think about the lights? will they be enough?



Active Member
can someone please tell me if there is going to be enough space to grow all 3 of them?
What do you think about the lights? will they be enough?

hey im a first time grower and iv got 5 plants growning in my wardrope and i think u will have plenty of room as long as u keep the plants small and dont let them grow to tall! i hav many friends that are growers and i get alot of advise form them!! happy growing bud!!


Thx horn420 for your answer :) I wiss u all the best with your growing aswell

I`m very glad, because one of my Berry`s is green :D it has 1/2 inch and 2 little green leafs. I named her Juanita :clap: :leaf:

Here`s the pic :clap:



And the last one burst also, she looks very healthy, and her name is Lasty!

I am wondering if it is normal that they drink so much water, because i water them twice a day with about 30 grams of water each, and in 7-8 hours they are dry.... is it normal?

I also have another problem, the humidiy in my grow room is around 32-34 % and the temp is around 25-27 Celsius. To raise te humidity, i put a wide plate, full of water, but it doesn`seems to be doing anything. Can you give me some ideas? I really need some help :(



I found a way to increase the humidity. I had an old fog lamp, and i took out the mechanism that was making the fog, and put it in my grow room. The only bad thing is that i have to unplug it for the night time, because it has some LED lights .... :( Now the humidity is around 55%

I also upgraded my intake and exhaust with some aluminium duct, so that the light wouldn't come in.

Any other stuff u think should i do to improve my grow room? I will post some pics tomorrow with my 3 beauties, the aluminium duct, and the fog machine.



No changes today, only that all 3 of them are the same size, which only makes me very glad. they are about 1,2 inch tall



Well-Known Member
I have a question. When i bought the seeds, on the package i read that they are feminised. Does that means that all 3 of them are females? There shouldn`t be any males, right?

You should end up with 3 fem plants if you bought the fem seeds. It's not 100% but your chances are much much much better than normal seeds.

can someone please tell me if there is going to be enough space to grow all 3 of them?
What do you think about the lights? will they be enough?

I don't think your going to have enough space when thoes things start to bloom man!! You'll need more light too! And eventhough thats a cfl, it's going to get hot in there real quick with that door shut and the large cfl on!!!. If you can find some extra space to flower them I'd start making arrangements now insted of waiting to see if your girls get big. I would say that box is good for 1 plant.

And the last one burst also, she looks very healthy, and her name is Lasty!

I am wondering if it is normal that they drink so much water, because i water them twice a day with about 30 grams of water each, and in 7-8 hours they are dry.... is it normal?

I also have another problem, the humidiy in my grow room is around 32-34 % and the temp is around 25-27 Celsius. To raise te humidity, i put a wide plate, full of water, but it doesn`seems to be doing anything. Can you give me some ideas? I really need some help :(

I've never controled my humidity, mayby thats a problem?? haha, but they seem to do just fine with normal humidity, I also put a little plate of water in the veg box. If you have a fan or fans running all the time, those cubes will dry out really fast!! I mostin mine 2 times a day as well. I think your fine. If your humidity and water consumption were a problem, your plants would let you know. Good luck!
Oh... Love the reflector!! Great minds think alike!! haha, did you use wraping paper for reflecting??


Thx ifartsmoke for your post :)

Yup, i'm thinking about the space, i now it is very small but that's all i have :( and i'm also on a low budget.

I`m thinking about making a smaller box, only for clones and veging, and i will add more light also to the flowering room. that way i can make something like a semi perpetual grow :weed:

All 3 of them are the same hight, about 6 cm. It looks like they need a bigger space for the roots, and i transplanted them into a little bit bigger pot's. Pics update in 5-10 minutes ;)


Fredtrick Blunt

Active Member
Ya agreed about the space. U might have enough height but, i think the width and depth are gonna be a challenge with 3 full bloom plants. I like 3 plants. I always grew 3 plants at a time indoor. But I used a lot of space with a 400w MH Bulb for veg, and 400w HPS for Blooming. How many watts is the CFL? Maybe use it for Ur veg stage and then grow with an alternate light in the bloom room. Always remember, Soil + Watts + Space = Turn out of buds. More the better of all(within reason).

Tricky B :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
things you might want to know about your whiteberry first smell the stems when they show sex there are a couple of different phenos the one in my grow is a true berry i had one more that was the lemon pheno both are good and strong but the berry one is the tastiest one the stem smells like berry and skunk the other smells like lemon. 2. they stretch for 3 full weeks. (dont really like that) 3. the official flower time posted by paradise is 50 days thats a crock of shit mine are at 52 and look to be about 4-7 days out. 4. these plants taste way better when done organicly (i have no explanation for that) 5 they will take some really high nute levels aswell i had mine up as high as 42ml per gal thats pretty high i had 0 burn. if you have any other questions please feel free to ask........ monkey

Locked Up

Well-Known Member
I agree with monkey, don't let that thing get too big because it will blast off when you flower... compared to my 2 other strains im growing which are the same height the whiteberry is almost a whole foot taller than the others and I was not expecting that at all lol and my whiteberry can also stand high levels of nutes


Like the grow box and your enthusiasm sub'd
Thx man :)

Fredtrick Blunt
Ya agreed about the space. U might have enough height but, i think the width and depth are gonna be a challenge with 3 full bloom plants. I like 3 plants. I always grew 3 plants at a time indoor. But I used a lot of space with a 400w MH Bulb for veg, and 400w HPS for Blooming. How many watts is the CFL? Maybe use it for Ur veg stage and then grow with an alternate light in the bloom room. Always remember, Soil + Watts + Space = Turn out of buds. More the better of all(within reason).
Ok, so i will chose 2 out of 3, and finish only 2 :) i'm sorry, but that's it! I cannot make the box bigger. only maybe taller, but there is no use. I have 4x26w CFL, and the big one is 200w CFL. Thanks for posting!

things you might want to know about your whiteberry first smell the stems when they show sex there are a couple of different phenos the one in my grow is a true berry i had one more that was the lemon pheno both are good and strong but the berry one is the tastiest one the stem smells like berry and skunk the other smells like lemon. 2. they stretch for 3 full weeks. (dont really like that) 3. the official flower time posted by paradise is 50 days thats a crock of shit mine are at 52 and look to be about 4-7 days out. 4. these plants taste way better when done organicly (i have no explanation for that) 5 they will take some really high nute levels aswell i had mine up as high as 42ml per gal thats pretty high i had 0 burn. if you have any other questions please feel free to ask........ monkey

1. Hope is the berry one :)
2. That means that in 3 weeks from now i can turn to flowering?
3. I saw that they say it a 52 day, but i am prepared for at least 60-65 days, i read about that.
4. I`m feeding the organicly, and they are in soil now, i`ve just replanted them. they had a preety big root system
5. Thanks for the info, i will remember that. For sure, if something is wrong, i will ask you for answers.

Thx monkey

Locked Up
I agree with monkey, don't let that thing get too big because it will blast off when you flower... compared to my 2 other strains im growing which are the same height the whiteberry is almost a whole foot taller than the others and I was not expecting that at all lol and my whiteberry can also stand high levels of nutes
Thx for the info. I saw you've done a great job with your grow. Keep it up :leaf: