1st Grow My flowering Girls are wilting!!! Need some advice!


what up, so this is my first indoor grow, were im the only taking care of my girls. Ive slowly learned bits and pieces as ive gone along, probably not the smartest idea now that im looking back and remembering some of the issues ive had. During my veg i dealt with alot of heat issues, and trying to figure out how to best exhaust and bring in air. I switched lights out from my 1000 watt mh/hps to a 400 watt mh because of the heat. I tried my best to get on a good nute schedule, and again being my first time i guess i didnt do it the best i should of. I used humbolt 3 part as well as the humbolt wetting agent sticky which ended up leaving spo s all over my girls, so stopped that. the 3 part seemed to do good with the plain pro mix soil i was using.yes not the best pick., now i know. after my 3 girls, down from 5 at start, showed there pre flowers, surprsingly all girls, maybe 1 hermie? i got a 4x4 tent to make into my flowering room. Put my 1000 hps with 6" inline sucking out from my hood and a 4" can fan with scrubber. so first and [art of second went as good as i could ask. but the third week started out bad by stem splitting in the middle, like 1/2 in slit, which i believe is the cause of the wilting and dead leavs on bottom, but my other two seem to be wilting and the leaves dying too? Sorry for the length just wanted to let everyone know my whole situatuon. also, first week of flowering stopped using 3 part for the 1st week and used nutriplus's beast then switched back as told to do so to the humboldt 3 part. also using advanced nuytients's pirannaha and tarantula, dont know wht ive done got pics... Please help!!! Thankssss


They look pretty healthy I'm not sure what those spots are but the one with the split stem you should try to splint or something to let it heal itself so it can get more water that is probably why it's wilting and the other two may also be wilting because you are under watering.

Hydro Hippy

Active Member
soil looks pretty wet.. they are droopy.. I'd say you might be over-watering, and im not sure if that's sufficient light to support 4 plants that size


Well-Known Member
lol 1000w hps is plenty enuf for 4 plants hahah ^^

a few of the photos look perfectly normal, as for the wilt/droop

appears to be a watering issue, looks liek overwatering not under-watering


Sweet thanks guys also planning on posting a couple of pics of what
I think is also potentially gonna be a male flower it hasn't done much since I first noticed them, but just want everyone s opinion before I put it back in the Main flowering room from my secondary flower room that I have for these Lind of time. Thanks for. The input let u know how they come back from the split stem, and the wilting hopefully they come back strong.!!!!