1st grow/ new to the game

just started my grow and I've got 5 plants going right now and started another 6. So far so good. I'm buying the right lights and stuff this weekend but so far they have come up nice with just a normal light bulb. I know its not what your suppose to use but so far so good. This will also be moved into a closet. :weed:

they are on there little journey!



Active Member
FYI, those things are really streched out and will fall over at any time......they are looking for light, YOU need to at least put in a few CFL light bulbs on them, a regular light bulb will not work. If you want to try and save them I would place more soil around the main stem.......you can go up as far as the first set of leaves, new root growth will form from the main stem. You should really have your lighting set up before you start germinating the seeds, Good luck, but as of right now I have my doubts these will make it.


Pat Man

Active Member
I'm going to be more positive and say these will make it, you just need to get more on top of your shit and figure out what you're doing. I don't know much about cfl's but I get along just fine as a newbie with a 150W HPS. Keep the light lower so they don't stretch but make sure its not burning the top if the plant. You will know if it burns it because the leaves turn color in areas.

another thing...you have 11 plants all together? in 1 closet? when mine are flowering theres barely enough room for 4 under 1 light. make sure your room is set up properly before you proceed or you wont be getting out as much as you thought.
I figured they where to tall. I halogen light that puts out 250w and we where going to put the others in a different closet. As for them making it if not of well they are mid seeds figured id try my luck on crappy stuff first rather than just jump into it right away... but back on topic to save my plants put soil all the way up to the leaves??? they are mad tall now so I don't think ill be saving them. I have my others germinating so with the ones i have now ill have my setup right on than. I know they have to be close.
update from the lasttime I was on here my plants have grown... and yes a few died but oh well they are mids and I'm just trying to learn! here are what they look right now!


Pat Man

Active Member
you will learn so much more from here on out my brother. i garuntee as a frist grower you ill never look at weed the same after you finish this. good luck and just do it man. you will learn from mistakes and become a better grower