1st grow. Please tell me im worrying about nothing


Active Member
So, ill give you the facts then post the pics and hopefully someone can make me feel a little better. First off, I wanna say, thanks to everyone for all the information that has allowed me to start this and have an idea of what i'm doing.

Soil: 80/20 Light Warrior / Ocean Forest
Lights: Sunshine Systems LEDGP14 GlowPanel (Small setup for 1 plant)
Tent: 60x36x20 Grow Tent
Nutes: FF Big Bloom & FF Tiger Bloom

Ok. This has been sprouted for 5.5 days. The light has been about 2" above the plant. The heat in the tent has been kept at 78 degrees. I water about once every 3 days depending on the moisture meter. I like to let all the water get absorbed before adding anymore. I used nutrients 1 time. It was on the 3rd day of sprouting. It was 1/4th Tbl in 1 gallon of water.

Do these pictures look alright?


Triple S

Active Member
you will burn your plants if u use more nutrient
at that stage , in soil , they DO NOT need anny nutrients in the water.
good luck

and get some grow nutrient (with higher levels of nitrogen) becouse that is what you will need first


Active Member
Thats what I was asking. This is my first grow, I just wanna make sure they look alright. I was scared because of the downward curling.

Triple S

Active Member
of the cotiledons of how are they called (those small round leaves)?
that´s normal. they will dry and fall off at some time ...


Well-Known Member
Everything looks fine. Don't add nutes. If you feel they need it then it's time to transplant to bigger pot and freash soil. Then water. Keep that going till in your final potsize. Let it stay there for a week or two then add small amouts of nutes.

roger v

next time fill 20 oz styrofome cups quater way from top with soil .poke holes with hot ice pick on sides and bottom befor you fill them.do you have a fan on them.


Active Member
I know you can't see them, but there are holes poked throughout the cup. And the soil was my first rookie mistake. I did fill it 3/4 but i packed it down a little and realized in hindsight that i should not do that. Thank you all for your help.

I also just purchased some FF Grow Big that I plan on starting two weeks after I switch to a bigger pot and full FFOF. I have also switched from 24/0 to 20/4 today. I did some reading and it seems that this is the way to do it. I had always thought that maybe the plants needed a little rest time and confirmed that with some more reading today. If these keep growing at the rate they are, they should be over 1 foot in another week or so. Thats when I think im moving them to the 3 gal pots.

The only fan running right now is on the space heater in the tent.

Fell free to correct me if im wrong at any point. Like I said, this is my first grow. Again, thank you all for your help


Active Member
Thank you to everyone for the help. I was just a little unsure as this was my first ever grow and there was so much debate on LED lighting, I just wanted to make sure I was on the right track. Ill update this with more pics in a week or so after it has had time to grow. Thanks again, this site has been a wealth of knowledge.


Active Member
Ok. So here is where we stand after 10 days. My plants are doing something curious and I have no idea why. Im feeding them once every 3-4 days, no nutes. The light is always about 2" above the plants, I check it daily. They temp is steady at 77. They are at 7.1 ph. I will be bringing it down with the next feeding. My up/down will be here soon. Can anyone tell me what they are doing?



Well-Known Member
For new shoots yes. Your doing great man. I think your stressing out over nothing. It is a weed it will grow under so much shit. Just keep it green and not to hot you will get some good smoke.


Active Member
OK, well we got an update here. Im 30 days in. This is what it looks like now. It is a very light yellow in the middle, it is more noticeable under the LEDs. Not sure what is wrong, I read that it could be a nutrient deficiency. Im hoping thats all it is. I started nutrients yesterday for the first time. FF Grow Big. And PH downed to 6.5. Also, im now running a blackstar 180w LED. Someone please help me out. Im worried it will spawn into something worse. IMAG0290.jpgIMAG0291.jpgIMAG0292.jpg