
Active Member
Well I have 2 rockwool cubes with plants about 4 inches tall so far and looking very healthy! Pics soon. I just bought a drip hydro system and I dont know when my young ones will be ready to put into the net pots or even when theyre ready for nutrients. I anxious to hit them with the AN Sensi. I was upset to find out tho that my setup doesnt have an exterior control for the water pump, will it really not hurt the plant to have a constant flow of water to the roots?

Also, is lemon juice okay to use to lower pH???

Thanks for the help guys!!! Ill keep everyone posted on this one


New Member
Its ready for the system about the nutes I would wait until it has six sets of leaves and then just nute them at half strength


Well-Known Member
if your doin drip you can start your plant in the system
just dont use nutes till it has 4 sets of leaves and start nutes at 1/4 streanth and work your way up


Active Member
if your doin drip you can start your plant in the system
just dont use nutes till it has 4 sets of leaves and start nutes at 1/4 streanth and work your way up
So i can water them with good tap water or distilled water untill they have 4 sets of leaves? I have AN Sensi Bloom nutes but nothing for veg. Im not going to veg for very long at all, trying to hurry the process, so what would be a good cheap small amount of veg nutes that would be a good transition into Sensi A and B... I just cant afford to get the same series 2 part ya know?


Well-Known Member
So,your plants are 4 inches tall and you don't have 4 nodes. Are we talking massive stretch? I would def. put them in and I always start at about a 1/4 rec. Also how old are these plants. Good luck and looking forward to the pics.