1st Grow, Spider Mite Resurgence and No Smell Buds


My plants don't really smell much. I have a canfan and filter in there so that i understand to be a good thing, but when i put my nose right up to the buds, they don't smell like much and don't really smell "good" at all. I'm using Age Old Bloom and am wondering what I can add, if anything, to sweeten (and fatten) these buds up?

I'm 21 days in to flowering.

Also, I Azamaxed the plants about a week in because of a spidermite infestation (no webs yet) and that seemed to take care of them until tonight, when I see little sucked spots and found one or two on the plant. What should I do at this point? The guy at the grow shop said to wipe the leaves with Azamax so as not to get it on the buds. Is there anything else I could do? No Pest Strips? What are those and where do you get them?

Anyone have thoughts on yield from these pics? I know it's hard to estimate. I have three plants and they're under 1000w HPS and 400w HPS lighs.

Here are some pictures. It's kind of hard to take good pics under such bright light. Do they look to be on the right track? Any advice about any of this or anything you think of while looking at the pics would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! mamaliz



Active Member
Not sure what strain you are growing. but, on a friends recent indoor grow he had very low odor plants, you could only smell them when you did the scratch and sniff test.
Hot Shot No Pest Strips should help you out with the resurgence and you should see results within a matter of days!


Right on! Thanks. So...maybe the package says, but where do you put them? Do they go around the base of the plant or what? I'm trying to picture what I'll be working with...


OK i put a bunch of ladybugs in there. any thoughts on this move? i figured it was worth a try...