1st Grow, think my plants might be dying.. HELP?

Hey Guys, im new to the growing world, i need some advice on what to do. i think my plants might be dying. i posted some pictures to show you what they look like in hopes you would know.




Well-Known Member
clones actually rooted yet? How long since they were cut and rooted? What have you done so far? we need a shitton more info ;)
yes they are rooted, they have been about 2 weeks since cut and rooted. all i have done was transplant then from styrafoam to this bucket. its in miracle grow soil and i water them everyday and water then once a week with the nutrient rich water


Well-Known Member
you don't need to give it any nutrients if you are using MG soil...and you probably dont need to water daily...water when its dry(lift the pot to check)...the leaves that came with your clone will probably die off...its the new growth you are worried about which that looks ok...try to not mist it too much either...and if you do with only water, no nutrients at this point...the new growth in the center looks fine.
alright.. what about the discoloration in the plants. i dont know if you can see in the photos but however, there is a little dots on my levels. looks as maybe if would be spider mites. but i sprayed an organic pesticide spray that way it will eliminate them hopefully it will grow more :)


Well-Known Member
lol dude...stop spraying them with shit...thats probably a phosphorous deficiency or magnesium deficiency...the plant lives off those leaves and sucks nutrients out of them while the root system is building...its fine those are old leaves :D Less is more! :D
so water them once a day with tap water! and i have only sprayed them once with that spray. and ok. i will just do water.. no nutrients.
Water them every OTHER day, and only if needed. Like posted earlier, make sure the soil is begining to dry up. You should have enough nutes in the soil to last about 3-4 weeks also, so don't add nutes at this point. Basically you want to water every other day and feed nutes every other watering when they eventually need the nutes. When you do begin adding nutes and lets say you start on a Monday it goes a little like this:
Monday- water/nutes
Tuesday- nothing
Wednesday- water only
Thursday- nothing
Friday- wter/nutes
Saturday- nothing
Sunday- water only
Monday- nothing
Tuesday- water/nutes....hope that helps


Well-Known Member
so water them once a day with tap water! and i have only sprayed them once with that spray. and ok. i will just do water.. no nutrients.
dude dont force water down its throat....like others have said...only water when it needs it...watering/feeding schedules are nice but ultimately you need to learn to "listen" to your plants...watch the soil and it will tell you when to water not the other way around...know what I mean? trust me you can let that whole pot dry out and the plant will still be chillin' for a day or so...dont stress...the new growth looks good in the pics either way...good luck bro...:peace:

Keep Growin'.... bongsmilie
alright thanks for all the help. joined this forum today and already learned a lot! i was thinking about switching over to hydroponics for my next grow but i do appreciate all the help. great forum and great place to learn how to grow the ganga! thanks guys!