1st grow with pics!!!!


Active Member
This is my first grow.

I had these 4 plants and 11-23w 6500k cfl's but i had heat and bug problems. Had to clip all infected leaves off and move everything to a smaller more cleaner area. This area is in a cabinet and has wrapping paper on the walls for reflectiong with 4-23w cfl's at 6500k. Also 2-42w 2700k cfl's. The lights are about 2-3 inches off the plants. The temp stays around 78-82 degrees because i live in south florida and its very hot. I have a bathroom fan thats 70cfm ventilating the cabinet. I have a dish of vinegar that i sometimes throw some baking soda into for co2. Im slowly starting to feed them nutes. Im using 1/4th strength MG All purpose and watering once a week.



Well-Known Member
yea i wouldnt use those nutes. get urself some proper nutrients. those are for petunias and shit


Active Member
Im low on budget and saw that some recommended these types. I thought MG big bloom was good for the flowering stage? If not, what do you recommend?


Active Member
yea but they are also on the pricey side.. Im not sure what im going to use. So far im staying with MG but just giving it alot less and gradually giving it to the plants.


Well-Known Member
oh ok cuz i saw that stuff at the store and i didnt kno to get them our not. i got schultz 10-15-10 instead


Active Member
Yea, i just visit the local k mart and wal mart and was limited on supplies. haha i go there cause i buy those and steal 42 watt 2700k bulbs and socket splitters and alot of shit.


Active Member
yea and i did it at a bad area wal mart. sherriffs park out front. i just take the bulb out the pack and put in my pocket. haha. just grab a handful of splitters and shove em in my pocket.

haha for my fan i put it in a cheaper fan box and bought it for 1/4 of the price.


Well-Known Member
man ur realy a money saver lol, welll i almost got cuaght thank god i put the timer back wen i notticed undercover security following me around lol


Active Member
im using a mix of sholts 10-15-10 and MG 8-20-5 or something like that it is the little packets that you mix in to a gallon and my plants are doing nicely so i would say if you do things right then you should be just fine with MG good luck ha and as for stealing from walmart seems like a bad idea to me!


Active Member
thanks for the reply. I think im gonna stick to using the nutes I have now. I bielieve im down to 2 plants because two are dying and i put them outside.