1st Grow


Active Member
This plant showed female sex under 12/12 light on 8/8/8

Today when I went in to take a look, I noticed mustard yellow thick hairs coming out of some pod looking thing in the middle of some of the buds. I cannot get a good clear photo ~ this is the best I could get ~ I tried to circle the areas but don't know if you can see......

The plant is covered in white stickiness???

Is it ready to harvest?

I have no clue as to what should be done.....

thoughts anyone??



Well-Known Member
Yeah, what THC said. Get some tweezers and pull them yellow things out as soon as you see 'em if ya want. Or you can just pinch 'em off/out. Can you tell if any of the yellow parts have opened and dropped their pollen. It'd be below, a dusting on the pistils and/or surrounding leaves. If so, expect growth to slow as seeds begin, or you could grab it if you think it's ready, or close enough?


Active Member
Should I go ahead and harvest the plant? Can I still smoke the buds it has produced? Will it turn my other female that is in the flowering room male as well?? How does it turn from female to male? Did I over fertilize or something????

H~E~L~P! I need some bud !!!!!


Well-Known Member
Usually the hermie is genetic. I'd sure get that plant away from my thriving female(s).
It's a survival technique of the species, making a few male parts to ensure such.
Various plant grow stresses can trigger the hermie part of the plant, like heat, cold, anything, really, that threatens the plants survival.
And in MANY cases, it just happens(genetic).