1st Indoor Grow

I'm a fairly new grower as well but seeing as how this has 37 views and 0 replies I'll do my best to explain this and if I'm wrong somebody can jump in but after doing a decent amount of research and watching the 2 strains I have growing myself (Trainwreck and Haze Mist), there really is no SET time for when your plant will begin to produce buds. It depends on a variety of different things: strain, grow condtions, soil/hydro, even small things like lighting and the nutrients you chose to give your plant will influence it as well. For instance, I use Happy Frog Organic Soil and Happy Frog Bat Guano Fert. When the flowering first started on my Trainwreck I went to my buddy at the local hydro shop, thankfully he is a grower himself, and he showed me a product called Liquid KoolBloom by General Hydroponics(however I grow in soil), its a bulking formula, nothing but great things to say. It will cost you about 25-35 bucks depending on where your located. I give my plant 1 teaspoon every other water and I can see huge growths by the end of the day. Also remember you can keep your plant in veg as long as you want theoretically(18 hrs on to 24 hrs on), but when you switch to 12/12 that's when you will start to be able to SEE the work you've done. Its really just patients from this point. Good luck and happy growing !


Active Member
it takes any where from 7-10 weeks for most strains, thats just flower time. Most people do the vegging for 4 weeks.