1st outdoor grow 2010


Well-Known Member
k i live in new york and i plan to have a good harvest b4 winter... when is the best time to plant to ensure a steady plant growth and yeild for this year.... dont know much about outdoor i heard its not that hard tho... i have been growin indoor for a while now and have 3 really good harvests under my belt, but there is an addition to my family this year!!!!

my son sylis.... my gf is due on the 2nd of june..

so this grow will help out tremendously so if anyone has any good info please share!!!!



Well-Known Member
Congrats on the whiper snaper,
Basicly any time after the frost ends will be good(4-20 is good in most usa), grow em indoor for 4+ weeks to help along (but rember to harden off to the outdoor world before transplant). Good soil, putting em out early an a big hole helps em get big. Cause where u live u wll want some seeds that finish fast (8weeks flowering) . They will start to flower in July-aug an be finished sept-oct before the frosts return. U gota water once a week or twice a week when they are big in summer heat fertilize like a indoor plant every other week or so..

Good luck

I got 2 kids they are demons from hell , bless their little hearts!