1st Outdoor Grow..going good or nah?

I started this in late May. By the time it was about 6 inches tall, transplanted it into a bigger container. After getting a bit bigger, some leaves were turning yellow and started to curl at the end..so we needed to do osmething. Once it reached about a foot (2-3 weeks ago), transplanted into the bucket seen in the pictures. Ever since then, it seems as if its been growing like madd! All the yellow leaves cured, and are now beautifully green ;-)

BUT, I do have a few quuestions unanswered:

-The stem is VERY strong from the semi-harsh wind we get once a while, and im sure thats a good thing correct?
-Should I be fertilizing it at all? The soil we used had some type of fertilizer with little balls that eventually pop and let out some type of fert or something? It seems to be going pretty good w/o any extra fert, but I wanna know for sure...
-After a thorough check, im pretty sure IT IS a female :D would anyone suggest otherwise after looking at the pictures?
-what is the flowering/budding stages consist of? Should I be looking for something specific?

Im sorry for all these noobish questions, but as my first full grow, I want it to produce correctly, and after doing a little searching around, this is the place to be.

MAIN QUESTION: are they female? tried to get the best pics possible...

Thanks in advance to anyone who helps =D

PS: the top of the plant is starting to smell preeeeetty good, and little crystals are starting to be noticeable at the very top of the plant. What does this represent?

-Nuggz :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
looking nice especially for your first if its growing good theres relly no need for fertalizer and the little balls in the soil is plant food. If you want though it wouldnt hurt to use miracle grow that you mix with your watering can, feed it with this every 7-14 days. I cant quite tell from the pics if its female a sure fire way to tell is if you have small white hairs coming out of the corners of the plant(the tops first as they get the most sun)then u have a girl if you have little ball clusters coming out the corners and tops its a male, but if your plant is flowering it will generally stop growing in size. and yes it is good to have a nice strong stem mine too have beefy stems due to windy conditions, and good job putting it in a five gallon bucket remember the more room your roots have to expand and grow the taller and bigger your plant will grow. next year if i were you i would grow more than one so if your one plant does turn out to be male youll still have some to fall back on, a good rule of thumb is that roughly 50% of the plants you grow will be male sometimes more sometimes less anyway hope the info helped
looking nice especially for your first if its growing good theres relly no need for fertalizer and the little balls in the soil is plant food. If you want though it wouldnt hurt to use miracle grow that you mix with your watering can, feed it with this every 7-14 days. I cant quite tell from the pics if its female a sure fire way to tell is if you have small white hairs coming out of the corners of the plant(the tops first as they get the most sun)then u have a girl if you have little ball clusters coming out the corners and tops its a male, but if your plant is flowering it will generally stop growing in size. and yes it is good to have a nice strong stem mine too have beefy stems due to windy conditions, and good job putting it in a five gallon bucket remember the more room your roots have to expand and grow the taller and bigger your plant will grow. next year if i were you i would grow more than one so if your one plant does turn out to be male youll still have some to fall back on, a good rule of thumb is that roughly 50% of the plants you grow will be male sometimes more sometimes less anyway hope the info helped
Thanks man, I think I have some miracle gro lying around so ill be sure to do that every 8 days or so. And im thinking it is a female, because at the top of the plant there are little white hairs/pistols sticking out. Theres very few, and some in different spots also, so im assuming it IS a female? Otherwise id be seeing llittle balls everywhere correct?
What is "flowering"? Should I be looking for something specific?
And yes, I planned on planting lots more but couldnt find reliable seeds, so I went with the best and only one I had at the time.

Thanks for the qukick response!



If you look closely or zoom in on the second picture at the bottom of the picture, looks like a ball, could also be new growth though too. But if your seein pistils then you should be good dude.
If you look closely or zoom in on the second picture at the bottom of the picture, looks like a ball, could also be new growth though too. But if your seein pistils then you should be good dude.
Yeah I havent seen one ballyet, only little white-ish pistols coming out in the middle of some of the leaves. Approximately how long until this baby is in the "flowering" and budding stage? Its now July, and I head to school in the end of August. Any chance of me bringing some of the goodies it produces with me? :D


Well-Known Member
No, it hasn't started to flower yet. If it is a girl, it will not be done flowering in August.


Well-Known Member
about a week or two before its notaceably budding but dnt make the mistake of harvesting early wait about 12 weeks till harvest


Well-Known Member
OP I hope you live in a place where your plant will go 12 weeks. Also if it isnt a pure haze it shouldnt take 12 weeks to finish. Sounds like it is bagseed you are using? Be patient come back home end of September you should be good to go. Not knowing your climate and when is the first frost cant be more accurate.Keepem it green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
I would leave it out but when it gets to be fall and the nights are cooler pay attention to the weather if they say its going to get below freezing overnight (34 degrees) bring it in for the night, then in the morning when the suns up bring it back out, repeat this for any other nights that are to get below freezing until harvest.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I havent seen one ballyet, only little white-ish pistols coming out in the middle of some of the leaves. Approximately how long until this baby is in the "flowering" and budding stage? Its now July, and I head to school in the end of August. Any chance of me bringing some of the goodies it produces with me? :D
No chance, prob a good thing anyway as u shouldnt take drugs to school.
Top it now and it will end up bushier with more buds. Finish about oct.


Well-Known Member
Mine are about the same stage as yours, the weather has pushed my harvest later and later because they are just starting to show sex. You can expect to harvest beginning to mid october.


Well-Known Member
Looks good i was outside on may 2nd came across a 13inch cannabis plant looking at me and for my climate the plant should have had no chance with frost here we put veggies out in feild on may 15 cause of frost
meaning of story is that must mean this thing is strong willed so i put in 5 gallon bucket with mix i made and never checked untill two days ago and looks just like yours so U ARE DOING GOOD
AND NO NEED TO PUT IN HOUSE AT ALL during rain it is strong enough to withstand a storm mine did