1st Outdoor Grow, Zone 6, Midwest


Well-Known Member
This year will be my first outdoor grow. I currently have an indoor grow going that I am about to clone and throw into flowering. Hopefully it will give me some of the experience I need. I have the ok on a piece of land where no one's at. I checked the site out, the soil is nice and soft/sandy. Wild ganja currently grows there, and quite a bit of it. I realize my plants will almost definitely get pollinated, but I'm not too worried about that this time around. There also seems to be quite a few deer around there as there was a LOT of fresh droppings, along with a tree that had been scuffed up. I was wondering a few things though. I read subcool's thread on super soil..but if wild ganja grows there now, would that mean the soil is good enough for my plants to make it through? Or should I mix up some of the super soil to add to the holes? There is a nice sized pond right by where my location is, so I shouldn't have to water much. Also, I will be germinating bagseed to find the females, along with cloning this Blue Rhino I currently have going indoor. Does anyone else have some suggestions on quality outdoor seeds for Zone 6? I realize I will need an earlier finishing strain etc. But what I'm asking is for some of the strains you may have grown that produced good quality bud. I am not worried with the yield what so ever. I grow for the look, the taste, and the potency..ohhh the taste and potency! :P Sorry for making this so long for being the first post, and thank you all ahead of time for any help you provide!

I will head back out there today probably and get you guys some pics of the area and pond if you would like. If not I don't think I'll bother wasting my time! lazy and stoned you know..PEACE


Well-Known Member
Here are a few pictures of the area. I took 3 soil samples. Most is very soft/very good drainage. It seems to be pretty sandy, there is a lot of longer grass laid over on top of the wild plants currently there. They are between 8 and 20 feet. It looks as if there's 2 different strains? The stream runs through the property right by where I'll be planting.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply outdoor master. I was thinking the soil was pretty sandy too, but I wasn't sure if it could grow some cuttings since there's already wild crap growing.
Anyone else?!


Well-Known Member
It's hard to get pics of the ganja..it's not exactly season quite yet..but most of all that yellow shit in the pictures is ganja. I would say there are 2 average heights really, one being about 12 footers, and the other being like 16 footers. I was given the okay on the spot by the owner..so that part of it is safe!
Thanks for the replies! all+rep