1st setup closet with LED


Active Member
decided i better post somewhere other than my intro for the setup.
like it says in the title this is my first so be easy on me guys.

room i have to work with is 240cm H (or 170 if i leave the shelf in) 103cm W 55cm D
so far im still trying to figure out what led unit to get, should i get 1 LED unit to try do veg n budding or get to 1 for each. i am thinking 120w with 2w leds and will have to get my LEDs from www.aliexpress.com or some other Chinese store as its easier to import from there.

I am thinking of having 4 4ft t5s in each corner for extra light as well as the Mylar on the walls.

for odor control im in a toss up between an ozone generator after reading https://www.rollitup.org/grow-room-design-setup/86320-my-highest-reccomendation-inexpensive-unit.html
the unit i was looking at was this http://www.aliexpress.com/product-gs/321868811-KHT-15g-Ceramic-Tube-Industrial-Ozone-Generator-for-Air-and-Water-Treatment-or-Purifier-220V-FREE-wholesalers.html which i may like to add is 15g/h where as the one in panheads post is only 1g/hr so a bit of an over kill i know

and an activated carbon filter after advice received from resinousflowers and the only grow rooms i have seen first hand having used carbon.

I was going to use a little fan heater for the cooler months but also thanks to resinousflowers gona go for an oil heater. Surprised i didn't think about it myself but i got oil heaters around the house and they all come with thermostats.

as for ventilation my current plan is to drill a few holes in the corners of the ceiling or hook the HRV up to blow air into the room.

once i have finalized the plans and order all the equpiment i will be growing 1 clone of as of yet undecided strain in soil and will be aiming for about a pound a grow once i get the hang of it

any and all advice is greatly appreciated.

** sorry for any mistakes its 1:35 in the morning


Well-Known Member
all sounds good.i hope your going to start a grow journal?if not atleast show us if you acheived the pound of bud your aiming for.good luck.

c. austin

you can use the same LED for both flowering and vegging, unless the store you're buying from has LED systems that differentiate in spectrum (so you can choose the spectrum best for vegging, and then another with a spectrum better for flowering)
i haven't personally tried the ozone generator, but from my understanding, it converts the untreated air into oxygen and co2, and co2 is extremely important in a grow area. if you can't afford a co2 tank with a timer, you can always take sparkling water (fizzy, non flavored water) and spray the leaves with a spray bottle filled with it.


Active Member
had a talk with my partner and he decided that carbon filter was the way to go as we have to set up an exhaust anyway. and since it is a rented house thinking of turning the roof of the closet into a man hole this way when we leave can just replace the board and no one will be the wiser..

Is it better to have the exhaust air running out side or have it running into a different room in the house?

what light spectrum of led do do you recommend for flowering and vegging.

I will start a journal when i build the room. I thinking a pound a plant shouldnt be to hard because i know its possible to get 4 from 3 plants.

co2 question could i just have a bottle in the room filled with yeast, sugar and water this is what i have done to my fish tank in the past? its warmer during the day when the lights will be on so it would produce more then.

alan whittington

Active Member
abecsta, i can answer the co2 part. and the LED part. and even offer you some general technique tips to get the pound you're aiming for. i'll start with the lights.

Vegetative growth responds to cool light, blue is cool light.
Flowering responds to Hot light, this is the red.
in an LED system you need a very high watt led to pull off some weight. a little 120w led might get you some zipz, but not a whole pound. i love the t5 idea and the use of mylar would help alot. as for the LED what is your spend budget and i can look for a quality led for you.

Now to the co2. using the bottle with water yeast and sugar will work, just remember co2 is heavier than oxygen, it sinks. so place your bottles high and let the air sink down onto the plants. one bottle will not be enough. 4 of them is honestly the perfect number. the pattern to place them in would be a square within a square. your walls are the first square, the second is inside it with your bottles as corners.

i'll post links to techniques later if you so ask.


Active Member
the budget for the light is about 265 usd. (and looking at china for them because our country has a trade agreement with them)

and would defiantly want to see best way to do co2 bottle thing as i know others that could use this info to

alan whittington

Active Member
for veg growth the t5s and this would give you a big plant. http://www.advancedledlights.com/products/NEW-%2d-All-Blue-Extreme-Veg-LED-%2d-USA-Made-LEDs.html
that all blue light is purely for veg. for flowering i honestly do NOT recommend LEDs. unless of course it's a stealth led light. those things have POWER!

about the co2, just have them a couple feet above canopy level and you'll be fine, if you put them by a fan and blow the co2 around that also might help.

the 120w is 299.00
the 360w is 879.00 big difference, but that 360 would be something intense. hahaha.

these, although expensive, are the best you can buy. i'd just say save the money from each grow to get a baby like this.


Active Member
Thanks but i got to look at china for Lighting..
I was thinking some thing like this http://www.aliexpress.com/product-fm/348091819-Christmas-Promotion-No-Profit-for-120W-LED-Grow-Light-High-Power-Hydroponic-LED-Lamp-Big-Discount-wholesalers.html.
what do you think Alan?
first grow will be more of a trial i dont expect a pound that grow and i can always chuck 2 150w MHs in that i have in the garage but i wanna give LEDs a try :)

this might sound silly (remember im new to this) but if i put co2 on the bottom wouldn't the fan suck it up through the canopy and out the roof ?

and +rep


alan whittington

Active Member
that honestly doesn't sound silly at all. the truth to the matter is you have to time your exhaust so as to fill the room with co2. the leaves need the co2 but your roots is a different story. your roots love love love oxygen enriched water. c02 a the bottom wouldn't do anything but slowly build up the co2. the led is decent and i give you a thumbs up i just hope it works good for you. if you check my link you'll see that i plan on spending time and money before i even start my first grow.


Well-Known Member
I bought LEDs from these guys on the cheap...made in china, us leds, sold/warrantied from the US. I have 740W worth of them now. I have a problem with cool temps too. I just use HID and LED combined. Why waste money on heat, when you can spend that money on lighting and get the heat for free anyway? Especially with the electric heaters. 1500W is the standard for them and that is a shame not to put into light.

in your price range you can walk away with a 240W Flower model, the veg is like 40 bucks more. Cop a 150 watt HPS grow light from amazon, and you have yourself a heater and another light, for 90% less electricity than the electric heater.

Blackstar has both Vegetative and Flowering models

alan whittington

Active Member
Rbow 7:1:1:1 ?? sorry that was to much my brain had to reboot. lol anways thanks for looking. hopefully you'll see something you like? it's not very long though. and if you'll xplain the rbow thing i'm curious about it.


Active Member
might use my MH in the winter then get a better harvest and heating win win cheers

Led light ratio
RB81,RBO711 and RBOW6111 is lights color ratio, RB81 stands for Red LED Bulb: Blue Bulb is 8:1, RBO stands for Red:Blue:Orange is7:1:1. RBOW stands for Red:Blue:Orange:White is 6:1:1:1.​

i have 4 different choices rb 8:1 or 7:2 RBO 7:1:1 RBOW 6:1:1:1 (made a mistake with the 7 1 1 1 ratio sorry)


Active Member
"for good growing you need blue, red and deep red spectrum. for clorophile A you need 400-430nm of blue and 650-670 nm of red. for clorophile B you need 420-470 nm of blue and 620-650 nm of red.
peak absorbtions are at A: 425 and 660 nm, and at B: 450 and 630.
the power of spectrum should be stronger in red spectrum (arround 85-90%), others arround 5% of each. i did some test grows, but i only used 470 and 630 spectrum and the plants looked just fine. if you give them all the spectrum (for A and B type), they will grow even better."
i save that a while ago when looking into leds

with the RBOW led unit the orange is 615nm so i assume that it can be adsorbed by the plant just not at peak like 620 would be, as for the white i remember reading somewhere that it has a use just dont know what atm. the temp is 4500-8000k so its defiantly a warm white. Cant remember the point of it at the moment ill do some searching.
could any one shed some light on this (no pun intended)


Active Member
thanks hudsonvalley didn't see your post when i posted my last post so you a RBW combination would be best could i ask what is the white 4?


Well-Known Member
Im not sure, but when people started doing that, all of the sudden LED lights started to get better. I would imagine that it hits on some string in the plant, maybe metabolic, maybe it helps to tighten the bud...My big light has these wavelengths:

if you look on the blackstar link I put up, its the 500W, for $549, if you want anymore specs...Seems to works really well.
Red LED: 660 & 630
Wattage: 500
Infrared: 730nm
UltraViolet: 380nm
Blue: 425nm
Cree White: 12000k


Active Member
could you give me a ratio im talking to them now about putting uv in they can do it it will just cost a lil more but the unit is cheep so should i go some thing like r b w uv. 7;1;1;1