1st Stealth Grow Pre Game advice please


Active Member
I'm at the opening stages of planning an indoor stealth ( cupboard ) grow and want to make as few errors as possible and maybe even, with the help of a few good souls who read this thread, exceed some "newbie yield" expectations too.

The basic plan is to set up a tent inside my fitted cupboard. Its a long thin shape cupboard with 600w lamp and venting out thru to a void space loft (not floored - terrible access) where an already in place 6In pipe can carry air clear via the roof. I have a one bed flat at the back of a converted old house. common hall with flat below, so fairly isolated but odour control still a major concern for me.

Cupboard is 1.5 ft X 4ft X 8ft however size and shape of tent may dictate terms as to actual floor space. ### http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/QUALITY-H...arden_PlantsSeedsBulbs_JN&hash=item35c1fed392 ## this seems like a good fit for budget. Any thoughts on this kit?

Is there a particular strain that would suit this environment?

Any early advice would be helpful.

I'll update as we go along. I'm in Scotland.