1st. Time Grow Closet, Finally!!! But too much Heat!


First, I want to say WHOO HOOO!!!! I am legal and it only took 52 years and getting broke in half in a bike accident, but I can legally grow now! Anyways, on to my problem...
I've started making a grow closet:

I am planning on vegging 4 plants in the top of the closet and then flowering 2 in the bottom section of the closet. I have 10 CFLs (42 watt, soft white) so far. I read here that I should use these for the flowering in the lower half and get "Daylight" CFLs for the vegging, so I will be moving them to the lower area. My problem is heat. The room the closet is in is not air conditioned, and in the closet with the door closed it is staying close to 98 degrees. I drilled four 4" dia. holes in the closet doors and added dryer vents that I can close for the dark hours. I installed two fans, one in each of the back corners on the ceiling. But I'm still way too hot, and I haven't even added the 16 to 20 more CFLs that are going in the flowering section. There is a window in the room about 6' from the closet. Would a window air-conditioner in the room, and a rigged up duct to the closet fix me up? Or is there a better solution? Would vents in the ceiling of the closet, going into the attic help, or would that just add all kinds of contamination issues? I really want to be able to keep it as self contained in the closet as possible, and be able to keep the doors closed (my step-son has sticky fingers). Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
wow thats hot for cfl's you must live some place hot :) lucky you. If you can use a/c your winning, venting into the attic will help but you have to bring in cool air to offset what you vent so bringing it back from the attic might not work. I add attic vents to my room and only helped by about 4 degrees which is not enough. My best sucess was with a air cooled hood for the light but running cfl's you dont have that option. Good luck!!

Peace, M