1st Time Grow Need Help Feeding wise


B57C3EC9-1046-46E9-84B4-15745E94242A.jpeg 17809ADD-E8AE-46CF-BB82-6B2555ED3302.jpeg C3F70B21-F1AF-4FDD-94F6-A5DA3227588F.jpeg 2E0D1DF0-AD44-40AF-B085-AED24D8EB889.jpeg 09C07370-976F-4A72-B8C3-4406B24986C9.jpeg Hello everyone Dabspensary here I’ve started my first grow 1 Jet Fuel Og started from seed at week 2 now. I’m using General Hydroponics Flora Series 3Part. I’ll post some pics right now. I fed it on Day 13 1ml Floragro 1ml Floramicro 1ml florabloom it’s now Day 15 should I keep the same feeding schedule or change it up a bit higher. I’ve gotten a lil nitrogen burn because I pulled a super rookie move and used cal-mag with the tap water I’m using so there go the nitrogen burn....overall am i doing ok. Would appreciate any feedback any tips. Thanks all and Happy Growing


Well-Known Member
Hey Dabspensary. I think the girls are looking great but it's little difficult to see.
A little tip is that you should always take your decision if you should raise the nutes by looking at the girls under natural light.

Are you going to transplant your girls later?


Well-Known Member
Pictures are too dark to even see the plants. Take pictures under normal light. Blurple is the worse.


0266E486-2D67-459F-9DD5-7D3748504449.jpeg 896002D4-59BA-487B-A63B-6C1FB772B2EC.jpeg Ok will do I’ll take some new pics. Also yes I will be transplanting into 3gal finishing bucket or pot...let me get some new pics for you guys....here you go it’s day 16 today was going to give it an aggressive feeding today 1.5ml of gro 1ml of micro .5ml of bloom 1/2tsp of molasses what do u guys think? She old enough for an aggression feeding or should I give it an even ratio....?