1st Time Grow...Whatcha Thnk? ;-0

HyDro Guy

Active Member
These ladies are Bubbelicious from Nirvana seedbank and are 34 days into flowering. I use GH Flora Nova nutes @ 1300 PPM, 600w HPS with blue/red spectrum, CO2 halo @ 1500PPM, RO water PH @ 5.9, Ebb and flow with Hydroton. 85 deg temp during light hours, humidity between 50 and 60, pumps run for 20min every 3 hours while lights on. I looked at some pics of a setup yesterday and I'm tempted to hang my 600w vertical without reflector and I also have another 600w ballast and bulb so I could run 2 instead of 1. Give me your opinion on this plz and tell me what you think.

