1st time grower AFGHAN KUSH RYDER LED. Pics daily

lol ill start with some pics of where there at today. today is day 22 from seed. plants are doing nice i think. have a bit of a an issue with some spotting but nutes and transplant seemd to help. but id love some advice on what it could be. here are the pics i took this am ( 24 hours after being transplanted and tied down. ) i have to say i really dont know what im doing but the amount of change i have seen in 24 hours just from being tied down head over heels and a transplant is amazing. i love this plant it really was kinda set it and forget it. 22 days old and they smell sooo strong. like a skunk and musk if that makes sence. the whole room smells like heaven. here are some pics. all comments and crits welcome. this is a learning exp for me .

DAmmage.jpgGreenNyellow.jpgthat was yesterday before i tied down.
here is pics from this AM

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Well-Known Member
dude these look awesome!! Ive got some afgan ryders in my closet i ordered a few weeks ago... growing some dank bagseed right now to get some kinks worked out. But are all these ryders?

not sure what the problem in the leaf could be, looks maybe like some salt build up? anyone else?
ya all afghan kush ryders from the same pack of 12. they all look so different. alot of growth after starting the LST and yhe spreading of yellow stoped. i just changed light last night to 20/4 rather than 24/7. it started flowering so im one happy camper. about 8 top bud sites on the big girl


Well-Known Member
damn dude that is awesome... i am def gonna be watching for a while. i just germinated a diesel ryder two days ago and put it in a pot last night. and it has popped up out of the soil with his shell on his head still :) excited to have my first rider strain be accompanied in with my veg container.... ill upload a pic up for you later... your plants look terrific even if you have a few yellow spots.. but cheers man, cheers indeed. the next two months are going to be very much fun for you and i ;)
great to hear. i just waterd my babys and now im leaving for the weekend. im hoping everything is okay. im sure thel be fine. i took a whole shit ton of pics to post. this is my first non bag seed grow and wowzas. these little fuckers grow by the hour. its insane. im looking forward to ur pics. im real intrested to see the diff in the strains both being crossed with the lowryders. i have 5 plants going strong. is it crazy to hope for around 4oz from 5 plants? cause a quarter every 2.5 months would be a life changer lol. good luck with the seedlings lol myne were thick and standing by like day 4 like nothing i.have ever seen. litte freaking mutants its so fun to go to work and come home to see what changed in the 8-9 hours . beat of luck