1st time grower with some questions


ok this is my first grow im from the east coast so sadly dont get all the sun light everyone from the west but i was wondering when and how i should pluck the tops of my plants i was told to do it because it will make them bushier and stuff but im jus concerned ill fuck it up

also was told later to mix a little of molasses with my water while watering them

ill try and post pictures later thank you for any help


Well-Known Member
Cutting not plucking the tops of your plants is called topping. It causes the plant to branch out and create two colas in addition to getting bushier, etc. There are many variations of this method including topping at the 4th node or topping 1 week before flowering. You can find out lots of info by surfing this site.


Well-Known Member
ok this is my first grow im from the east coast so sadly dont get all the sun light everyone from the west but i was wondering when and how i should pluck the tops of my plants i was told to do it because it will make them bushier and stuff but im jus concerned ill fuck it up

also was told later to mix a little of molasses with my water while watering them

ill try and post pictures later thank you for any help
hey man,
I gotcha on this.

1. Im from the East Coast too, You asked how to keep your plants bushier and stuff.. haha.

Theres several ways of keeping your plants bushy, The methods are Topping,Fimming,LST, and Suppercropping. To read more about all this stuff,
just check out Uncle bens topping techniques.

Molasses is a great additive to feed your plants in flowering. I dont know what it does exactly, but i heard it acts as a Carb. = energy for the plant to grow.

3. How old is your plants and pics will be the best thing so that others like myself can guide you on your way!
Goodluck! Happy growing!


hey guys thanks for helping me and i have 8 that are all almost 8weeks old and i keep forgeting my girlfriends camera but ill take pics of them soon as possible but theyre all outside and they get good sunlight and if it doesnt rain i water them every other day unless its rained and every two weeks i give them king neptunes seawood nutes so when they start flowering you think i should also add the molasses? or just stick with the nutes?


Well-Known Member
Hey bugs, don't worry about fucking up your plants to much, hell its how America was discovered, a lot of stuff came about fucking up, probably even you lol.:mrgreen: