1st time hydro... Need help


about the set up... im using a space that 2.5 feet by 5.5 feet, all walls coverd with mylar. hydro sys is a 10 gall rubber maid bin that i but sum air stones and a 260 gph water pump in. the pump feeds the six 6" nets i cut into the lid. and the sys is powered by a 400 watt hps bulb.I also made the co2 fron the yeast recipie, got two bottles with air lines behind the fan. im growing four white widows and two blu mystic, after they topped the rockwool i placed them in the system under the hps. now they are a lil over a week old, about 3" tall and the third set of leaves are poken through right now. my question is what type of yeild should be expected being a first timer and do i really need additives for my nutrients. the dutchmaster gold seems to working fine. my ph is good at 6.5 and the temp, never reaches over 85 f. Also, are those co2 genortors worth the effort. do they emitt enough usable co2


sounds like you planned pretty well, but no guess on yeilds, post some pics mid flower though!


sounds like you planned pretty well, but no guess on yeilds, post some pics mid flower though!
thanks, its my first hydro set up, ive done soil twice b4 but only the last flowered. still need info... as far as the additives go the, guys at the hydro shop said not to do anythig, dont fix it if aint broke. but i do need to know when would be a good time to up the nutes potencey.. right know theyre at about 70 % of full strength. and does anybody know if homemade co2 will be suitble for this size garden


how long in veg? if they've got three or four good sets of nodes you should be good to go at 100 percent. just dont go owover it. if you have good ventilation, your homemade Co2 might be worthless. (but if you've got good air exchange you dont even need it.) dont veg under your hps, its a huge waste of power, is super hot, and will strech your plants this early, get a shop light, clf's or some other kind or floro's for veggin. any pics?


ok, so went ahead and lowered the ph just a little to 6.0 but from all the research ive done states that water should stay in between 5.8 and 6.8.
can sumbody tell me if the ph goes down over time, if so why would i start @ 5.8 since that kindve pushes the limit range ? if you leave an uncovered container of water out for 3 days the water starts to neturalize. I may be wrong about the ph going down, so please correct me b4 you lable me an asshole.
all the research iv done suggest to veg under floros but they looked like they were starting to stretch. here's how it went, started germ then 2 days laters all six opened up so i placed them in sum 2" cubes that had been soaked 5.5 ph water, when i added the beans i only used 6.2 ph water. i kept them under a dome with my 40watt floro on top for 3 days and they looked like they were starting to stretch. i wanted to make sure the stem gets nice and fat and grow stocky so i put them in the system under my hps. now they look good, fan really helped with stem growth and all my leaves are getting fat and squatty growing right on top of each other...... I dont mean to be an ass but i just need info on homemade co2 and an educated quess on yield